

释义 原1. origin2. source原 yuánI b.f.1) primary; original (元始)2) unprocessed; raw (原料)3) simple4) pardon; forgive (原谅)5) plain; plateau (草原, 高原)6) origin; source (原地)7) element; atom (原子)8) graveyardII n.Surname原YuánHara (Japanese surname)yuánformeroriginalprimaryrawlevelcausesource原 n. 宽广平坦的地方plain平原 flatlands草原 grasslands参见:塬[yuán] v. 参见:原谅[yuánliàng]情有可原 be pardonable adj. 参见:原始参见:原来原作者 original author原班人马 former staff原有人数 original number of people他们回原单位了。 They've gone back to their former work units.我原和你说好的。 I made an agreement with you.这原是一件好事。 This was a good thing.未加工的raw原汁 stock原 yuán 形 (最初的; 原来的) primary; original; former:  原处 original place;  原单位 the organization (unit) one formerly worked at;  原计划 original plan;  原义 original (primary) meaning;  原职 former post (没有加工的) unprocessed; raw:  原矿石 raw ore;  原油 crude oil 动 (原谅) excuse; pardon:  情有可原 excusable; pardonable 名 (宽广平坦的地方) level, open country; plain:  高原 plateau;  华北平原 the North China Plain (姓氏) a surname:  原壤 Yuan Rang 原原 755B15  51A.01-9  部居  畫數 10ㄩㄢˊ [yUan2] N.(1)  A plain, plateau: 平原 flat stretch of land;高原 plateau;原野,原隰 [yUan2ye3], [yUan2xi2]↓;中原;main part of China;九原 cemetery, Hades.(2)  Origin, source, beginnings (related 源 63A.01), cause: 原本,原因 [yUan2ben3], [yUan2yin1]1↓;本原 origin;推原 trace the cause;溯本追原(源) trace to the beginnings.(3)  A surname.V.i. & t.(1)  To have its beginning or cause: 原於 start from (s.t.).(2)  To pardon: 原諒,原宥 [yUan2liang4], [yUan2you4]↓;情有可原 it is understandable, excusable.Adj.Original: 原裝,原封 original package;原封不動 keep intact, untouched;原形,原狀 original shape;原本 original copy;原處 original place;原任,原職 original post before transfer;原址 original address, etc.Adv.(1)  In fact, as a matter of fact, in the first place: 原來 [yUan2lai2]↓;原本該 as a matter of fact, one should not (in the first place);原不曾 one never did or had.(2)  Originally: 原是,原係 originally was;原訂 originally set date at.Words1. 原本 [yUan2ben3], (1) n., origin, cause; (2) adv., originally.2. 原起 [yUan2qi3], (1) n., origin (of events); (2) originally: 原起由他辦 it was originally his task.3. 原權 [yUan2qUan2], n., (law) primary or antecedent right.4. 原點 [yUan2dian3], n., (math.) origin, point of origin.5. 原底(子) [yUan2di3]([zi0]), n., original draft.6. 原動機 [yUan2dun4ji1], n., (mechanics) prime mover, original generator of force.7. 原動力 [yUan2dong4li4], n., (1) original force or power; (2) source of power (as water, heat, etc.).8. 原稿(兒) [yUan2gao3]([er0]), n., (original) draft of manuscript.9. 原告(兒) [yUan2gao4]([er0]), n., the plaintiff.10. 原根兒 [yUan2ge1]([er0]), n., original intention.11. 原故 [yUan2gu4], n., cause, reason (also 緣故).12. 原價 [yUan2jia4], n., (1) (commercial) cost, costing price; (2) original price.13. 原舊(兒) [yUan2jiu4]([er0]), adj. & adv., as usual.14. 原籍 [yUan2ji2], n., original nativity of person.15. 原主(兒) [yUan2zhu3]([er0]), n., original owner.16. 原質 [yUan2zhi2] n., (chem.) element, see [yUan2su4]↓.17. 原來 [yUan2lai2], adv., (1) as a matter of fact, in the first place: 原來如此 so it is; (2) originally, see Adv. ↑;18. 原來頭 [yUan2lai2tou2], n., article or goods which have not altered, as from factory.19. 原諒 [yUan2liang4], v.t., understand and pardon: 不可原諒 unpardonable.20. 原料 [yUan2liao4], n., raw material.21. 原理 [yUan2li3], n., principle (of change, motion, light, etc.).22. 原煤 [yUan2mei2], n., mixture of bits of coal (also called 混煤).23. 原棉 [yUan2mian2], n., raw cotton.24. 原配 [yUan2pei4], n., first wife (also wr. 元配).25. 原人 [yUan2ren2], n., primitive man.26. 原色 [yUan2se4], n., basic color.27. 原先 [yUan2xian1], adv., originally, at first.28. 原隰 [yUan2xi2], n., (AC) plateau and low grounds.29. 原形 [yUan2xing2]1, n., original shape;30. 原形質 [yUan2xing2zhi2], n., protoplasm;31. 原形體 [yUan2xing2ti3], n., (bot.) plasmodium.32. 原型 [yUan2xing2]2, n., model; prototype.33. 原始 [yUan2shi3], n., origin (of things), the primitive beginnings; 原始人 primitive man, prehistoric man.34. 原素 [yUan2su4], n., (chem.) element.35. 原則 [yUan2ze2], n., principle(s) of (management, organization, politics, etc.): 原則上 in principle (agree, etc.).36. 原子 [yUan2zi3], n., (chem.) atom; 原子能 atomic power; 原子筆 ball pen; 原子彈 atomic bomb; 原子核 atomic nucleus; 原子論 atomic theory; 原子價 valence of atoms; 原子量 atomic weight; 原子輻射 atomic radiation; 原子武器 atomic weapons; 原子塵 nuclear fallout; 原子爐 nuclear reactor; 原子粒 (dial.) transistor.37. 原委 [yUan2wei3], n., origin and development; complex reasons: 說明原委 explain why and how.38. 原文(兒) [yUan2wen2]([yUan2werer0]), n., original text.39. 原物 [yUan2wu4], n., original article.40. 原野 [yUan2ye3], n., the prairie, primitive valley.41. 原意 [yUan2yi4], n., original intention.42. 原因 [yUan2yin1]1, n., cause.43. 原音 [yUan2yin1]2, n., high fidelity (Hi Fi).44. 原宥 [yUan2you4], v.t., to pardon.45. 原由 [yUan2you2], n., reason(s) for things.46. 原韻 [yUan2yUn4], n., rhyme-class of friend's poem, which is applied in poem in reply (see 和 [he4], 90A.40).原1[yuán](ㄩㄢˊ)1.最初的;开始的 primary; original; at the very beginning:原始 primitive原人 primitive man原生动物 protozoan 2.原来;本来 original:原地 original place; same place原作者 original writer原班人马 same crew members; former staff原有人数 former number of people 3.没加工的 unprocessed; crude; raw:原棉 raw cotton原煤 raw coal原油 crude oil 4.(Yuán) 姓 a surname原2[yuán](ㄩㄢˊ)原谅 excuse; pardon:原宥 forgive; pardon情有可原 excusable; forgivable原3[yuán](ㄩㄢˊ)1.宽广平坦的地方 open country; level and extensive land:平原 plain高原 plateau草原 grassland; prairie原野 open country; champaign 2. 同 same as 塬 yuán相关词组本原 | 病原 | 草原 | 复原 | 高原 | 还原 | 荒原 | 抗原 | 燎原 | 莽原 | 平原 | 雪原 | 中原 | 病原虫 | 病原体 | 准平原 | 穷原竟委 | 星火燎原 | 和平共处五项原则 | 星星之火,可以燎原原版 | 原本 | 原初 | 原创 | 原封 | 原稿 | 原告 | 原鸽 | 原故 | 原鸡 | 原籍 | 原价 | 原件 | 原矿 | 原来 | 原理 | 原粮 | 原谅 | 原料 | 原麻 | 原毛 | 原貌 | 原煤 | 原蜜 | 原棉 | 原木 | 原配 | 原人 | 原色 | 原审 | 原始 | 原诉 | 原汤 | 原田 | 原委 | 原文 | 原先 | 原形 | 原型 | 原盐 | 原样 | 原野 | 原意 | 原因 | 原由 | 原油 | 原宥 | 原则 | 原职 | 原址 | 原纸 | 原种 | 原主 | 原著 | 原装 | 原状 | 原子 | 原罪 | 原作 | 原材料 | 原动机 | 原动力 | 原生林 | 原生质 | 原声带 | 原始群 | 原线圈 | 原子弹 | 原子核 | 原子价 | 原子量 | 原子能 | 原子团 | 原子钟 | 原生动物 | 原生矿物 | 原始公社 | 原始积累 | 原始社会 | 原索动物 | 原原本本 | 原子武器 | 原子序数 | 原子反应堆原a.primary【电】初级的,第一级的;一次的;原的autochthonous【地】原地(生成)的comb.formortho-【化】表示“邻(位)”,“正”,“原”原1. original2. former3. raw or unprocessed4. to forgive原proto原Hara双向☞邻[位]--正--原双向☞原--初--第一级原[yuán]形1. primary; original; former♦ ~计划 original plan♦ ~单位 the organization (or unit) one formerly belonged to♦ ~有规定 already existing provisions2. unprocessed; raw♦ ~矿石 raw ore动excuse; pardon♦ 情有可原 名open country; plain; level♦ 平原 ♦ 草原




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