

单词 厚爱
释义 文馨英漢☞厚愛厚爱 hòu'àiI v.love dearly; dote onII f.e.1) your kind thought; your kindness2) great kindness厚爱great kindness承蒙厚爱 be beholden to somebody for their kindness厚爱 hòu ài great kindness; treat very kindly and generously:  总有一天我会报答你对我的厚爱。 Some day I will reciprocate your great kindness to me. 厚爱[hòu ài] 称对方对自己深切的喜爱或爱护 great favour and good care granted by others:承蒙厚爱。I'm indebted to you for your kindness.厚爱套 your kind thought; your kindness♦ 承蒙~, 赠我画册, 十分感谢。 Thank you for your kindness in giving me this lovely collection of paintings.




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