

单词 历练
释义 文馨英漢☞歷練历练 lìliànpractice and experience历练lìliànto learn through experienceexperiencepracticedexperienced历练经历世事;锻炼to gain experience; to get training让大学生到社会上历练历练。 Let university students go out in to society to gain experience.有经验experienced他为人历练老成。 He is experienced and sophisticated.历练 lì liàn experience and toughening历练[lì liàn]1.经历世事;锻炼 experience; see the world; temper:孩子大了,要到外边历练历练。The child has grown up, and it is high time he went out to gain some experiences. 2.阅历多而有经验 be experienced:他历练老成,办事稳重。He is very experienced and handles matters steadily and calmly.历练1. to practice and experience国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞历练--亲身经验




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