

单词 厂长
释义 文馨英漢☞廠長厂长 chạ̌ngzhǎngfactory director/manager厂长chǎngzhǎngfactory director厂长factory manager厂长助理 assistant factory manager厂长 chǎng zhǎng factory director; factory manager 厂长负责制 system of overall responsibility by factory manager; system of overall leadership by the factory director; system of factory director's responsibility; system in which factory assumes full responsibility; Factory director takes responsibility for production.; the responsibility system of factory directors; 厂长任期目标责任制 system under which the factory director is held responsible for the attainment of certain objectives during his or her tenure; 厂长任期终结审计制 system under which the performance of the enterprise is subject to supervision through auditing at the expiration of the director's term厂长1. a factory director厂长station superintendent双向☞经理人--厂长--首长双向☞临工--厂长厂长factory director~负责制 the responsibility system of factory directors




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