

释义 文馨文馨★◀▶卷1. book2. tome3. volume4. a scroll文馨☞捲ABCABCABC★◀▶卷 juànI m.volumeII b.f.1) examination paper (考卷)2) file; documents; dossier (卷宗)3) roll; rolled document or picture (画卷)4) book卷 juǎn(r)I n.rollII v.1) roll up2) sweep off; carry alongIII m.roll; spool; reel卷 quáncurly (hair); beautiful hair (卷发)卷juǎnto roll uprollclassifier for small rolled things (wad of paper money, movie reel etc)juànscrollbookvolumechapterexamination paperclassifier for books, paintings: volume, scrolljuǎnto roll (up)to sweep upto carry onroll卷 n. 裹成圆筒形的东西roll报纸卷 paper roll把小册子裹成一个卷儿。 Roll up a pamphlet.参见:卷子[juǎnzi] measure word 用于成卷儿的东西roll一卷纸 a roll of paper一卷软片 a roll of film v. 弯成圆筒形to roll up卷地毯 roll up a carpet卷一根纸烟 roll a cigarette卷头发 curl one's hair把帆卷起来 furl a sail把图纸卷起来 roll up drawings树叶干得全都卷起来了。 The leaves are all dried and rolled up.参见:卷起卷 juǎn 动 (把东西弯转成圆筒形或环形) roll up:  把竹帘子卷起来 roll up the bamboo screen;  卷起地毯 (地图, 画卷) roll up a carpet (map, scroll);  卷起衣袖开始干活 roll up one's shirt sleeves and start working;  他把帽子卷紧塞进口袋。 He wadded his cap into his pocket. (一种大的力量把东西撮起或裹住) sweep off; carry along:  汽车飞驰而过,卷起一阵尘土。 A car sped past, raising a cloud of dust.  一个大浪把小船卷走了。 A huge wave swept the boat away. (陷入) embroil:  当时整个欧洲都被卷入了战争。 All Europe was then embroiled in war.  我不愿卷到他们的争吵中去。 I don't want to become embroiled in their quarrels. 名 (裹成圆筒形的东西) cylindrical mass of sth.; roll:  铺盖卷儿 bedding roll (卷子) steamed roll:  花卷儿 fancy-shaped (plaited, twisted) steamed roll 形 (弯曲的) curly:  卷发 curly hair 量 (用于成卷的东西) roll; spool; reel:  一卷报纸 a roll of newspapers;  一卷布(纸) a roll of cloth (paper);  一卷胶片 a roll of film  2) 卷 juàn 名 (书本) book:  手不释卷 always have a book in one's hand; be a diligent reader (卷子; 试卷) examination paper:  交卷 hand in an examination paper (机关里保存的文件) file; dossier:  查卷 look through the files (姓氏) a surname:  卷章 Juan Zhang 量 (全书的一部分; 书籍册数) volume:  第三卷 Volume ;  编辑本卷花了好几年时间。 Years have been spent in compiling this volume.  这个图书馆藏书10万卷。 This library has 100000 volumes. 林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶卷卷 225A30  12.70  部居  畫數 8ㄐㄩㄢˋ [jUan4]  (*ㄓㄨㄢˇ [zhuan3] , *ㄑㄩㄢˊ [qUan2] ).N.(1)  Anything that can be rolled up and unrolled: 卷軸 [jUan4zhou2]↓;卷帙 [jUan4zhi4]↓;畫卷 a scroll of paintings;書卷 books: 有書卷氣 bookish, learned, (of writings) academic (“smacking of books”);手不釋卷 studious, ever studying.(2)  Chapters or volumes of a book: 第一卷 chapter (volume) one;一共五卷 five volumes in all;上下卷 first, second volume.(3)  An examination paper: 卷紙 [jUan4zhi3]↓;考卷 quiz paper;問卷 question paper;交卷 (of student) hand in examination paper, finish an assignment: 交卷主義 perfunctory performance, such an attitude;交白卷 failure to answer the questions in an examination or to carry out a given task.(4)  Documents, records: 卷宗 [jUan4zong1]↓;文卷 official papers;案卷 archives.(5)  (=捲) A roll, a reel.V.t.(*[jUan3]) (=捲) Roll up, curl up.Adj.(*[qUan2]) Curly: 卷髮 [jUan4fa3]↓.Words1. 卷柏 [jUan2bai3], n., (bot.) Selaginella involvens.2. 卷卷 *[qUan2qUan3], adj., earnest, sincere (interch. 拳拳).3. 卷丹 *[jUan3dan1], n., (bot.) the tiger lily, Lilium tigrinum (also 虎皮百合).4. 卷髮 *[qUan2fa3], v.i., curl one's hair; n., curly hair.5. 卷軸 [jUan4zhou2], n., a scroll.6. 卷帙 [jUan4zhi4], n., books, volumes.7. 卷紙 [jUan4zhi3], n., paper for use in examinations.8. 卷舌 *[jUan3she2], adj., tonguetied; 卷舌音 the Peiping retroflex j, ch, sh, r sound.9. 卷鬚 *[jUan3xU1], n., tendrils.10. 卷子 [jUan4zi0], n., (1) a scroll; (2) an examination paper.11. 卷幘 *[jUan3ze2], n., formerly, a boy's rolled-up turban.12. 卷宗 [jUan4zong1], n., office files, archives, folders.13. 卷尾猿 *[jUan2wei3yUan2], n., (zoo.) Cebus capucinus.卷卷 *[qUan2qUan3], adj., earnest, sincere (interch. 拳拳).林语堂☞捲卷[juǎn](ㄐㄩㄢˇ)(捲、)1.把东西弯转裹成圆筒形 roll up; curl; furl:把竹帘子卷起来 roll up the bamboo screen卷起袖子就干 roll up one's sleeves and set to work烙饼卷大葱 pancakes with green onions wrapped in it 2.一种大的力量把东西撮起或裹住 sweep along, up or off; pull up; carry along:风卷着雨点劈面打来。The gale swept right in the face, carrying the rain with it.汽车卷起尘土,飞驰而过。A car sped past, raising a cloud of dust behind it.她立刻卷入了群众运动的热潮里。She was immediately swept along with the surging tide of the mass movement. 3.(卷儿 juǎnr)裹成圆筒形的东西 cylindrical mass of sth.; roll:铺盖卷儿 bedding roll; bedroll; roll of bedding把书裹成一个卷儿寄出去。Roll up the book and send it through the post. 4.(卷儿 juǎnr)卷子 (juǎn·zi) roll; spool; reel:花卷儿 steamed twisted roll金银卷儿 yellow and white steamed rolls prepared with millet or maize and wheat flour 5.(卷儿 juǎnr)〈量词 classifier〉用于成卷儿的东西 roll; spool; reel:一卷纸 a roll of paper一卷铺盖 a roll of bedding另见 juàn卷[juàn](ㄐㄩㄢˋ)1.书本 book:卷帙 volume手不释卷 always have one's nose in a book; be an avid reader 2.古时书籍写在帛或纸上,卷起来收藏,因此书籍的数量论卷,一部书可以分成若干卷,每卷的文字自成起讫,后代仍用来指全书的一部分 roll; in ancient China books were written on long silk or papers and rolled up for storage; hence books were counted by rolls (volumes):卷一 Volume One第一卷 First Volume上卷 Volume One藏书十万卷 collection of 100,000 books 3.(卷儿 juànr)卷子 (juàn·zi) examination paper:答卷 examination paper交卷儿 hand in an examination paper 4.机关里保存的文件 documents kept in a government department:卷宗 archive; file; dossier调卷 send for sb.'s file or examination papers查卷 look through the files另见 juǎn相关词组案卷 | 白卷 | 闭卷 | 彩卷 | 春卷 | 答卷 | 吊卷 | 翻卷 | 花卷 | 画卷 | 交卷 | 胶卷 | 开卷 | 考卷 | 课卷 | 漫卷 | 披卷 | 试卷 | 手卷 | 书卷 | 舒卷 | 调卷 | 问卷 | 席卷 | 压卷 | 阅卷 | 长卷 | 龙卷风 | 书卷气 | 烟卷儿 | 交白卷 | 风卷残云 | 行李卷儿 | 铺盖卷儿 | 手不释卷卷尺 | 卷次 | 卷逃 | 卷须 | 卷烟 | 卷帙 | 卷轴 | 卷子 | 卷宗 | 卷帘门 | 卷铺盖 | 卷心菜 | 卷扬机 | 卷轴装 | 卷舌元音 | 卷土重来卷a.tortile〈罕〉(能)扭弯的;(能)弯转的;卷的;盘绕的volumed[用以构成复合词]…卷的abbr.T.〈拉〉tomus 册,卷(= volume)n.book(长篇作品的)卷,篇,部volume卷,册;书卷;(通常为一年定期期刊的)合订本coil(一)卷;(一)圈;(一)匝;螺旋(头发的一个)卷tome(多卷本著作的)册,分册,卷wad(一)卷;(一)叠;(一)捆roll-up〈美〉【烹】(食品的)卷,卷状菜肴furl卷,折,收拢;卷拢的方式rouleau(小)卷;卷状物;(用纸包的)一卷(同值)硬币vi.coil卷,盘绕reel卷,绕;摇纱vt.SET卷(或做)(头发),使具有所需要的发型involve卷,裹;包围,围住roll卷;绕;裹;滚搓;滚积wave使呈波(浪)形;卷(发);烫(发)coil卷,盘绕curl卷;使拳曲;使(头发)变鬈reel卷,绕 (in,up)quill【纺】卷(纬线)retroflex卷(舌);卷舌发(音)enwind缠,绕;包,卷卷1. to roll up2. to sweep along3. something rolled up or shaped like a roll\\\\1·to roll up\\quan\\ㄑㄩㄢˊ\\1·to curl2. curly\\juan\\ㄐㄩㄢˋ\\1.[Formal] a book; a volume2. an examination paper; a test paper3. files; filed documents卷winding双向☞螺旋输送器--新月形泛滥扇--翻卷双向☞卷--束--汉克(长度单位)双向☞卷--容积--音响强度双向☞容积 --部--体积双向☞电位器--音量--部双向☞卷--容量--容体双向☞卷--搭接--研光双向☞卷--翻卷--卷动双向☞容积--容量--册双向☞搭接--研光--卷双向☞模仿--抄本--份双向☞滚转--辊子--卷双向☞绕组--卷--绕法双向☞轧辊--卷--横摇双向☞部--音量--体积双向☞铰盘--卷筒--卷双向☞卷--辊--滚动双向☞卷--卷轴双向☞片盘--卷双向☞卷--册双向☞卷--收双向☞案--卷双向☞缠--卷卷[juǎn]动1. roll up♦ 把竹帘子~起来 roll up the bamboo screen♦ ~起袖子就干 roll up one's sleeves and pitch in2. sweep off; carry along♦ 一个大浪把小船~走了。 A huge wave swept the boat away.♦ 汽车飞驰而过, ~起一阵尘土。 A car sped past, raising a cloud of dust.名cylindrical mass of sth.; roll♦ 把书裹成一个~儿寄出去。 Roll up the book and take it to the post.量roll; spool; reel♦ 一~手纸 a roll of toilet paper♦ 一~软片 a roll of film♦ 一~铺盖 a roll of bedding卷[juàn]名1. book♦ 手不释卷 2. chapter, section, or volume; fascicle♦ 这个图书馆藏书十万~。 This library has 100, 000 volumes.♦ 《新大英百科全书》共三十~。 The New Encyclopaedia Britannica is complete in 30 volumes.3. examination paper♦ 交卷 4. file; dossier♦ 查~ look through the files另见 juǎn




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