

释义 卡1. a card2. customs barrier3. to blockABCABC★◀▶卡 kǎI v.1) block; check2) strangleII m.calorieIII n.1) card2) customs barrier3) guardhouseIV b.f.transcription of ka, ca in loanwords (卡片, 卡车, 卡其, 卡路里)卡 qiǎI v.1) wedge; get stuck2) clasp3) choke off; severII b.f.clip; fastener (卡子)卡kǎto stopto block(computing) (coll.) slow(loanword) cardCL:张[zhāng],片[piàn]truck (from "car")calorie (abbr. for 卡路里[kǎ lù lǐ])cassetteqiǎto blockto be stuckto be wedgedcustoms stationa clipa fastenera checkpostTaiwan pr. [ka3]卡 n. 参见:卡子 v. 夹在中间to be stuck被骨头卡住 be choked by a bone鱼骨头卡在喉咙里 a fish bone stuck in the throat东西卡在抽屉里拿不出来。 There's something stuck in the drawer and it won't come out.抽屉卡住了,拉不开。 The drawer is stuck, it won't pull out.留住to block会计对不必要的开支卡得很紧。 The accountant will block any unnecessary expenses.卡住敌人的退路 block off the enemy's retreat用手的虎口紧按to clutch卡 kǎ 动 (把人或财物留住; 阻挡) block; check:  卡住所有的通道 block all the passageways;  会计及时卡住了这笔不必要的开支。 The accountant checked this unnecessary spending in good time. (用手的虎口紧紧按住) clutch:  卡脖子 seize (catch) sb. by the throat 量 (热量单位, 卡路里的简称) calorie 名 (卡片) card:  分类卡 classified card;  索引卡 index card;  信用卡 credit card;  长城(信用)卡 Changcheng (the Great Wall) (credit) card 另见 qiǎ。 2) 卡 qiǎ 动 (夹在中间, 不能活动) wedge; get stuck; bejammed:  那艘船被卡在两块暗礁之间。 The ship was jammed between two rocks.  梭子常常卡住, 造成大量断头。 The shuttle often got stuck, causing a lot of broken ends.  鱼刺卡在他的嗓子里。 A fish bone sticks in his throat.  钥匙卡在锁里了。 The key has stuck in the lock. 名 (夹东西的用具)clip; fastener:  发卡 hairpin (关卡) checkpost:  边卡 border checkpoint 另见 kǎ。林语堂林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶卡卡 319A50  21A.22  部居  畫數 5ㄎㄚˇ [ka3]  (*ㄑㄧㄚˇ [qia3] ), *ㄑㄧㄚˊ [qia2] ).N.(1)  Card: 卡片 [ka3pian4]↓.(2)  (*[qia3]) Pincers, see 卡子 [ka3zi0]↓.V.t.(1)  (*[qia2]) To wedge in: 把茶几卡在兩把椅子中間 put a tea table between two chairs.(2)  (*[qia2] or *[qia3]) To choke, be choked: 魚骨卡住了喉嚨 a fishbone sticks in the throat;卡住了,卡著了 to wedge in, to be stuck in the throat;卡死了 be choked to death;他卡著了,卡了一下 he gets choked.Words1. 卡賓槍 [ka3bin1qiang1], n., (translit.) a carbine.2. 卡 [ka3bo0], adj., bow-legged: 卡著腿兒往前走 walks bow-legged;3. 卡襠 ([ka3bo0dang1]) n., place between the thighs.4. 卡車 [ka3che1], cart, truck.5. 卡介苗 [ka3jie4miao2], n., (med.) BCG vaccine (abbr. for Bacillus Calmette-Guerin).6. 卡剌特 [ka3la4te4], n., (translit.) a carat.7. 卡路里 [ka3lu4li3], n., (translit.) calorie.8. 卡倫 [ka3lun2], n., formerly, a Mongolian border post (also called 邊臺).9. 卡片 [ka3pian4], n., a card (as name card, postcard, card catalogue).10. 卡通 [ka3tong1], n., (translit.) cartoon.11. 卡子 *[qia3zi0], n., (1) toll, post for domestic duty: 卡口,關卡 such station for collecting duty; (2) patrol: 下卡子,撒卡子 set patrols; (3) pincers, also hairpin (髮卡).卡 [ka3bo0], adj., bow-legged: 卡著腿兒往前走 walks bow-legged;卡襠 ([ka3bo0dang1]) n., place between the thighs.卡著腿兒往前走 walks bow-legged卡[kǎ](ㄎㄚˇ)1.卡路里的简称 abbr. for 卡路里 kǎlùlǐ 2.卡片 card:资料卡 reference index cards年历卡 calendar cards病历卡 medical records 3.录音机上放置盒式磁带的仓式装置 holder in a recorder or player for the cassette, a compact case enclosing a length of audio tape:双卡录音机 double-cassette recorder 4.卡车 truck:十轮卡 10-wheel truck; 10-wheeler另见 qiǎ卡[qiǎ](ㄑㄧㄚˇ)1.夹在中间,不能活动 jam; cram; lodge:鱼刺卡在嗓子里。A fish bone got stuck in (his) throat. 2.把人或财物留住(不肯调拨或发给);阻挡 withhold; hold back:会计对不必要的开支卡得很紧。The accountant kept a tight grip on unnecessary expenses.卡住敌人的退路。Cut off the enemy's retreat. 3.用手的虎口紧紧按住 hold sth. in place with part of the hand between the thumb and the index finger:卡脖子 seize sb. by the throat 4. 同 same as 卡子 qiǎ·zi ①:发卡 hair-pin 5. 同 same as 卡子 qiǎ·zi ②:税卡 tax checkpost关卡 customs office另见 kǎ相关词组边卡 | 磁卡 | 打卡 | 大卡 | 涤卡 | 发卡 | 岗卡 | 工卡 | 关卡 | 贺卡 | 绿卡 | 千卡 | 哨卡 | 刷卡 | 税卡 | 谿卡 | 胸卡 | 可卡因 | 波尔卡 | 电话卡 | 分厘卡 | 帕斯卡 | 圣诞卡 | 信用卡 | 智能卡 | 游标卡尺 | 集成电路卡卡车 | 卡尺 | 卡带 | 卡规 | 卡具 | 卡壳 | 卡片 | 卡其 | 卡钳 | 卡通 | 卡子 | 卡宾枪 | 卡脖子 | 卡介苗 | 卡路里 | 卡特尔 | 卡拉OK卡a.caloric(热)卡的calorific产生食物热卡的;(热)卡的n.card卡,卡片,卡纸;房卡;电话卡;入场券;会员证;(个人或商号等的)名片;信用卡calorie卡(路里),小卡(热量单位)(亦作 small calorie 或 gram calorie; 略作 cal.)[有时作C-] 卡(路里),大卡,千卡(热量单位,等于1000小卡)(亦作 large calorie 或 great calorie 或 kilogram calorie; 略作 Cal.)vt.throttle卡,阻挡;压制;扼杀phr.gram calorie【物】克卡,小卡,卡路里,卡卡1. to wedge; to get stuck; to be jammed; to become tightly wedged2. to clip; to fastener3. a checkpoint4. a card5. a calorie卡gram calorie ; calorie ; cal卡cal,calorie,gram calorie卡gram calorie, cal(orie)卡cal(orie),gram calorie卡calorie; calory卡calory; calorie卡cal; calorie卡calorie卡calory卡fiche双向☞卡片--进程单--插件(计算机的)双向☞钳子--夹线板--卡双向☞穿孔卡--表--卡双向☞钳子--固定--卡双向☞卡--卡路里双向☞卡--板卡[kǎ]动1. block; check♦ ~住通往海港的公路 block the road to the seaport♦ 会计及时~住了这笔不必要的开支。 The accountant checked this unnecessary spending in good time.2. clutch; choke♦ ~脖子 siege sb. by the throat名1. 略 见〖卡路里〗2. 略 见〖卡片〗另见 qiǎ卡[qiǎ]动wedge; get stuck♦ 有东西~在抽屉里, 拿不出来。 Something has got wedged inside the drawer, so I can't pull it out.♦ 鱼刺~在他的嗓子里。 A fish bone sticks in his throat.名1. clip; fastener♦ 发卡 2. checkpost♦ 关卡 另见 kǎ




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