

单词 卜筮
释义 卜筮 bǔshìtrad. divination卜筮bǔshìdivination卜筮divination卜筮 bǔ shì (占卜) divination卜筮 [bu3shi4], v.i. & n., to divine by tortoise shell or straw, now used as gen. term for fortunetelling.卜筮[bǔ shì]〈古代 arch.〉用龟甲占卜叫卜,用蓍草占卜叫筮,合称卜筮 divination; fortune-telling; divination using tortoiseshells is called 卜 bǔ, and using milfoil 筮 shì卜筮1. divination2. to divine by the tortoise and by the milfoil卜筮divination; fortune-telling英華英華★◀▶英華☞DIVINATION英華☞DIVINE




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