

单词 博学多才
释义 文馨英漢☞博學多才博学多才 bóxuéduōcáierudite and versatile博学多才bóxuéduōcáierudite and multi-talented (idiom); versatile and able博学多才学识广博,有多方面的才能erudite and multi-talented久闻先生博学多才,想邀请您来做个参谋。 I have long since heard that you are a man of great intellect and many talents, and thus I wish to invite you to impart your advice.博学多才 bó xué duō cái be a brilliant man of wide learning; learned and capable (versatile); be of great learning and great ability博学多才a.myriad-minded多才多艺的,博学多才的n.universalism博学多才;兴趣广泛博学多才1. to be learned and accomplished




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