

释义 博1. ample2. erudite3. learned4. wide5. to win6. to gamble博 bósyn. 愽博bóextensiveamplerichobtainaimto winto getplentifulto gamblebóold variant of 博[bó]博 v. 通晓to be well-informed参见:博取[bóqǔ]聊博一笑 just for your entertainment赌博to gamble adj. 多abundant博考经籍 consult the classics搜罗甚博。 The collection is extensive.博而不精 know a little about everything大<书>loose宽衣博带 wear loose clothes博 bó 形 (量多;丰富) abundant; plentiful; rich:  渊博 broad and profound;  地大物博 vast in territory and rich in natural resources  (书) (大) big; large:  宽衣博带 a loose garment with a large girdle 动 (知道得多) have a wide knowledge of; be well-read:  博古通今 be well acquainted with things ancient and modern (取得) gain; win:  博得美名 win a good reputation;  聊博一笑 just for a smile (赌博) gamble:  博徒 gambler 名 (姓氏) a surname:  博劳 Bo Lao 博博 156C10  10S.00-1  部居  畫數 12ㄅㄛˊ [bo2] V.i. & t.(1)  To gamble: 賭博 ditto.(2)  Win with good luck (popularity, reputation) honestly or by artifice: 博得美名 win a good name;博得一官半職 obtain with luck some post with the government.(3)  Broaden: (AC) 博我以文 broadens me with literature;博文約禮 (motto of the Chinese University of Hong Kong) broad learning and proper conduct.Adj. & adv.Broad, learned, well-read, esp. 廣博 broad in learning, knowledge or territory;淵博 broad and deep (in learning, philosophy);博大 [bo2da4]↓;博施濟眾 phr., interested in charities;博洽多聞 phr., knowledgeable, well-informed, conversant;博覽群書 be well read, has read many books;博古通今 conversant with ancient and modern learning.Words1. 博愛 [bo2ai4], n. & adj., love, love for all.2. 博大 [bo2da4], adj., great (of scholarship, personality).3. 博達 [bo2da2], adj., ditto; showing deep mastery.4. 博徒 [bo2du2], n., gambler.5. 博局 [bo2jU2], n., gambling party.6. 博覽會 [bo2lan3hui4], n., (international) exposition; (art) exhibition.7. 博浪鼓 [bo2lang1gu3], n., =波浪鼓 63A.82.8. 博士 [bo2shi4], n., doctor of philosophy, medicine, law, etc.; n., one of several academic honors from Hahn to Sueir Dyns., as 五經博士,太常博士; n., 博士買驢 a Ph. D. buying a donkey, i.e., a lot of academic jargon; n., 茶博士 tea connoisseur.9. 博學 [bo2xUe2], adj., learned; 博學鴻儒 a rank for great scholars in Chienlung's time.10. 博物 [bo2wu4], n., nature studies; 博物館 [bo2wu4guan3], museum.11. 博奕 [bo2yi4], n., (AC) gambling and chess.博1[bó](ㄅㄛˊ)1.(量)多;丰富 rich; abundant; plentiful:渊博 broad and profound地大物博 vast in territory and rich in natural resources博而不精 having wide but not expert knowledge; knowing a bit about everything 2.通晓 erudite; well-informed:博古通今 possess a wide knowledge of things ancient and modern; erudite and informed 3.〈书 fml.〉大 loose; big:宽衣博带 wearing loose garments博2[bó](ㄅㄛˊ)(簙)1.博取;取得 win; gain:聊博一笑 just for entertainment以博欢心 win sb.'s favour 2.古代的一种棋戏,后来泛指赌博 a kind of chess game in ancient times; (in a broad sense) gambling:博徒 gambler博局 gambling party相关词组奥博 | 赌博 | 鄂博 | 繁博 | 该博 | 赅博 | 广博 | 浩博 | 淹博 | 渊博 | 峨冠博带 | 繁征博引 | 旁征博引 | 地大物博博爱 | 博彩 | 博大 | 博导 | 博得 | 博古 | 博览 | 博洽 | 博取 | 博识 | 博士 | 博物 | 博学 | 博雅 | 博引 | 博览会 | 博士后 | 博物馆 | 博物院 | 博古通今 | 博闻强识博1. to win; to gain2. to gamble; to play games3. abundant or plentiful4. broadly knowledgeable; erudite5. wide; extensive国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞博--脉冲博[bó]形1. rich; abundant; plentiful♦ 渊博 2. 书 loose; big♦ 宽衣~带 in loose garments动1. erudite; well-informed♦ 博古通今 2. win; gain♦ 聊~一笑 just for your entertainment




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