

释义 文馨英漢☞賣卖 mài1) sell那本书卖多少钱? How much is that book?2) betray; sell out这本书不卖。 This book isn't for sale.3) exert to the utmost; not spare4) show off; parade5) make living by/at卖màito sellto betrayto spare no effortto show off or flaunt卖 measure word used for dishes in a restaurant一卖炒鸡蛋 one portion of scrambled eggs v. 拿东西换钱to sell贱卖 sell cheaply卖贱了 sold cheaply这种货好卖。 This kind of merchandise sells well.这东西卖了一百元。 This was sold for one hundred yuan.小铺子一天可以卖二百来元的货。 The small shop can sell goods amounting to 200 yuan in one day.这要卖多少钱。 How much does this sell for?这家店专卖建筑材料。 This shop deals exclusively in building materials.这东西不卖。 This is not for sale.货物卖不出去。 The merchandise can't be sold.生产队把余粮卖给国家。 The production team sold the surplus grain to the state.背叛to betray尽量用出来to do all one can故意表现出来to make a show of卖 mài 动 (拿东西换钱) sell:  拍卖 sell at auction;  转卖 resell;  挂羊头卖狗肉是他们的惯技。 To sell horse meat as beefsteak is their usual practice.  你愿意卖, 我们就买。 If you're willing to sell, we'll buy.  他们组的苹果卖得很快。 His group's apples were selling very fast.  新纪念邮票全卖完了。 The new commemorative stamps are all sold out.  这样质量的商品绝对卖不出去。 Goods of that quality will never sell. (出卖) betray:  卖友求荣 betray one's friend to obtain promotion (尽量用出来; 不吝惜) do one's best; exert to the utmost:  卖力气 exert all one's strength; do one's very best; exert oneself to the utmost (故意表现)show off:  好卖功 like to show off one's merit 量 (旧时饭馆中称一个菜为一卖) a dish (in the old times)卖[mài](ㄇㄞˋ)(賣)1.拿东西换钱(跟‘买’相对 as opposed to‘buy’)sell; fetch:卖房子 put one's house up for sale把余粮卖给国家 sell surplus grain to the state 2.为了自己的利益出卖祖国或亲友 betray (one's country or friends):卖国 treason; betray one's nation卖友求荣 betray one's friends for personal gain 3.尽量用出来;不吝惜 do the best one can; do one's utmost; to the best of one's ability:卖劲儿 exert oneself in doing sth.卖力气 spare no effort 4.故意表现在外面,让人看见 flaunt; parade:卖功 boast about one's merit卖弄 show off; swagger卖俏 coquet; make eyes at 5.〈量词 classifier〉〈旧时 old〉饭馆中称一个菜为一卖 (in a restaurant) dish:一卖炒腰花 a dish of stir-fried pork kidneys相关词组变卖 | 标卖 | 拆卖 | 斥卖 | 出卖 | 倒卖 | 盗卖 | 贩卖 | 拐卖 | 活卖 | 寄卖 | 叫卖 | 竞卖 | 买卖 | 拍卖 | 叛卖 | 热卖 | 烧卖 | 售卖 | 甩卖 | 特卖 | 外卖 | 小卖 | 义卖 | 专卖 | 转卖 | 非卖品 | 买卖人 | 小卖部 | 专卖店 | 拉买卖 | 跑买卖 | 做买卖 | 自卖自夸 | 买空卖空 | 跑马卖解 | 倚老卖老 | 砸锅卖铁 | 装疯卖傻 | 炒买炒卖 | 倒买倒卖 | 一锤子买卖 | 挂羊头卖狗肉卖场 | 卖唱 | 卖春 | 卖呆 | 卖单 | 卖底 | 卖点 | 卖功 | 卖乖 | 卖国 | 卖好 | 卖解 | 卖劲 | 卖老 | 卖力 | 卖命 | 卖弄 | 卖俏 | 卖身 | 卖笑 | 卖艺 | 卖淫 | 卖友 | 卖主 | 卖嘴 | 卖座 | 卖大号 | 卖关节 | 卖关子 | 卖国贼 | 卖力气 | 卖人情 | 卖方市场 | 卖官鬻爵 | 卖身投靠 | 卖狗皮膏药卖n.sale卖,出售selling卖,销售;销售业;销售术vt.give付;卖sell卖,出售shift〈口〉卖,出售卖1. to sell2. to betray; to harm another in order to benefit oneself3. to exert to the utmost4. to show off; to flaunt卖[mài]动1. sell♦ 大伏天西瓜~得快。 Watermelons sell fast during the dog days.♦ 他的画~不出去。 He can't sell off his paintings.2. betray (one's country or friends)♦ 这件事我只跟你说, 你可别把我给~了。 I'm telling this only to you. Don't give me away.3. exert to the utmost; not spare♦ 卖劲儿 4. show off♦ 卖弄




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