

单词 单独
释义 文馨英漢☞單獨单独 dāndúalone; solely; singly; individually; on one's own单独dāndúaloneby oneselfon one's own单独by oneself单独行动 act alone单独谈判 independent negotiation单独媾和 make a separate peace单独仲裁 independent arbitrator单独监禁 solitary confinement单独飞行 solo flight单独生活 live alone单独会见 individual meeting单独投资 sole investment单独设计 individually designed单独部件 individual component单独谈谈 have individual discussions对每个人单独说明 explain to everybody one by one单独一人对付不了。 I can't deal with it by myself.单独 dān dú alone; by oneself; on one's own; single-handed; solo; independent:  单独旅行 travel alone; single-handed journey;  采取单独行动 take independent action;  他单独住一间屋子。 He has a room to himself.  我要和他单独谈一谈。 I want to have a talk with him alone.  单独一个人干不了这个活。 Nobody can do this job alone (by himself). 单独补偿 separate compensation; 单独传动 direct gear drive; singly operated drive; unit drive; 单独传动齿轮箱 uni-drive gear box; 单独传动电动机 individual drive motor; 单独电动机传动 independent motor drive; self-contained motor drive; 单独电机传动 built-in motor drive; 单独对讲电话 solo circuit; 单独法人 corporation sole; 单独海损 particular average; 单独海损理算 adjustment of particular average; 单独海损险 with particular average; with average; 单独基础 isolated foundation; 单独检查 individual inspiration; 单独控制 independent control; 单独联接 separate connection; 单独驱动 {电工} individual drive; separate drive; 单独调整 independent adjustment; 单独营业 private business; 单独用户 individual consumer单独[dān dú] 不跟别的合在一起;独自 without the presence of another or others; by oneself; independently; on one's own:单独行动 take independent action请你抽空到我这里来一下,我要单独跟你谈谈。Please take some time to come over. I want to talk with you alone.他已经能够离开师傅,单独操作了。He is capable of working without his master and operating alone.单独a.single-o单独的,独自一人的individual个别的;单独的single〈古〉单独的,孤单的unit独立存在的;个别的,单独的separate独立的,单独的alone单独的;孤独的independent独立的;自主的;自治的;单独的exclusive排除其他一切的;全部的,专一的;唯一的,单独的Solo单独进行的;单独的sole单独的;唯一的;独特的distinct有区别的,不同的,各别的;单独的,独立的specialty(歌舞节目)单独的,独立的isolate隔离的;分离的;孤立的;单独的isolated隔离的;分离的;孤立的;单独的lonely孤独的,孤单的;单独的singular【逻】单独的;单称的solitary单独的,独自的【动】独居的,非群居的;【植】单生的,单独的unattended没人陪伴的,单独的;没人侍候的;没人看管的;没人照料的unitary单一的;个体的;整体的;一致的;不分的;不可分的;单独的solus单独的,独自的(尤用于剧本中的舞台指示)ad.single-o单独地,独自一人地;无同谋地alone单独地;孤独地apart单独地;各别地Solo以独力;单独地exclusively仅仅;专门地,排除其他地;单独地;作为唯一消息来源solely单独地;唯一地;仅有地singly单个地,单独地single-handed单独地;独力地;无助地n.solitude单独;独处;独居;隐居severalty〈古〉各个,各自;单独phr.by oneself单独地,独自地;孤独地on pat单独,独自by lonesome〈口〉独自,单独by itself自动地;独自地,单独地单独1. alone; single-handed; by oneself; solo单独stand-alone双向☞绝缘--孤立--单独双向☞隔离--单独--游离单独alone; by oneself; on one's own; singlehanded; independent♦ 采取~行动 take independent action♦ 她~住一间屋子。 She has a room to herself.♦ 我要和他~谈一谈。 I want to have a talk with him alone.~包装 individually wrapped~法人 corporation sole




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