

释义 文馨英漢☞單ABCABCABC★◀▶单 dānI b.f.1) single; sole (单身)2) odd (numbered) (单数)3) weak (单薄)II adv.1) singly2) alone单 Shàn1) b.f. county in Shandong2) n. Surname单 chán(单于)单Shànsurname Shandānbilllistformsingleonlysoleodd numberCL:个[gè]单 n. 参见:单子书单 reading list参见:单据[dānjù]兑换单 exchange form adj. 一个single单扇门 single leaf door奇数odd参见:单独[dāndú]单放在一边 put aside separately不复杂simple单纯 simple薄弱weak一层的unlined单上装 unlined jacket adv. 仅only不能单靠人家 you can't depend on them alone单 dān 形 (单独; 一个) one; single:  单扇门 single-leaf door;  单丝不成线, 独木不成林。 One strand of silk doesn't make a thread; one tree doesn't make a forest. (奇数的) odd:  单号 odd numbers (of tickets, seats, etc.);  单日 odd-numbered days;  单只袜子 an odd sock (只有一层的) unlined (clothing):  单裤 unlined trousers;  单衫 unlined jacket (项目或种类少; 不复杂) simple:  简单 simple; plain (薄弱) thin; weak:  单弱 thin and weak; frail;  你的衣服太单了。 Your dress is too little for the weather. 副 (单独; 独自) singly; alone:  把这几件东西单放在一个地方。 Keep these things in a separate place.  那些白衣服放在一起洗, 这件蓝的要单洗。 Wash the white clothes together, and the blue one separately. (只; 仅) only; alone; solely:  不单 not only;  不要单凭热情去工作。 Don't work by enthusiasm alone.  单是技术好, 不一定能做好工作, 还要有认真负责的工作态度。 However skilled he may be, he is unable to do his work well without a sense of responsibility. (单单) only:  你为什么单挑这件事批评呀? Why have you singled out this incident for criticism?  你怎么单在他不高兴的时候问他问题? Why do you choose to ask him questions at a time when he is unhappy? 名 (盖在床上的大幅布) sheet:  被单 top sheet;  床单 bed sheet (分项记载事物的纸片) bill; list:  菜单 menu; bill of fare;  工资单 pay sheet;  工作记录单 work sheet;  价目单 price list;  名单 name list;  提货单 bill of lading 另见 chán; shàn。 2) 单(單) chán (构词成分)见下。另见 dān; shàn。 3) 单(單) shàn 名 (姓氏) a surname:  单雄信 Shan Xiongxin 另见 chán; dān。单[chán](ㄔㄢˊ)(單)[单于] (chányú) 匈奴君主的称号 chanyu; title of the chief of the Xiongnu people in ancient China另见 dān and Shàn单[dān](ㄉㄢ)(單)1.一个(跟‘双’相对 as opposed to‘pair’or‘double’) one; single:单扇门 a single-leaf door单人床 single bed 2.奇数的(一、三、五、七等,跟‘双’相对) odd number (1, 3, 5, 7, etc., as opposed to‘even’):单数 odd number; singular单号 odd numbers单日 odd days 3.单独 single; alone; by oneself; on one's own:单身 living alone; unmarried; bachelor单干 self-employed; work on one's own; do sth. by oneself单打一 concentrate on one thing at a time单枪匹马 single-handed形单影只 solitary 4.只;仅 only; alone:干工作不能单凭经验。Experience alone is not sufficient to accomplish a job.别的不说,单说这件事。Let's talk about this matter alone. 5.项目或种类少;不复杂 (of items or types) small in number; lacking in variety:简单 simple单纯 alone; purely; simply单调 dull; monotonous 6.薄弱 thin; weak; insubstantial:单薄 lack strength or magnitude单弱 weak; frail; delicate势孤力单 be in a helpless, isolated plight; run out of strength and resources 7.只有一层的(衣服等) unlined clothing:单衣 unlined garment; (wearing) a single shirt, jacket, coat, etc.单裤 unlined trousers 8.(单儿 dānr) 同 same as 单子 dān·zi ①:被单儿 sheet床单子 bedspread; sheet 9.(单儿 dānr) 同 same as 单子 dān·zi ② :名单 name list传单 handbill; leaflet清单 detailed list; inventory账单 bill货单 indenture; waybill; manifest; list of goods; invoice另见 chán and Shàn单[Shàn](ㄕㄢˋ)(單)1.单县,在山东 Shanxian, name of a county in Shandong Province 2.(Shàn) 姓 a surname另见 chán and dān相关词组保单 | 报单 | 被单 | 不单 | 菜单 | 传单 | 床单 | 存单 | 订单 | 定单 | 发单 | 罚单 | 仿单 | 孤单 | 挂单 | 回单 | 简单 | 礼单 | 埋单 | 买单 | 卖单 | 名单 | 凭单 | 签单 | 清单 | 褥单 | 失单 | 税单 | 提单 | 戏单 | 选单 | 运单 | 账单 | 知单 | 跑单帮 | 黑名单 | 三联单 | 四联单 | 简单机械 | 简单劳动 | 形单影只 | 导出单位 | 祸不单行 | 基本单位 | 匹马单枪 | 天文单位 | 简单再生产 | 国际单位制 | 计划单列市 | 简单商品生产单帮 | 单薄 | 单产 | 单车 | 单程 | 单传 | 单纯 | 单词 | 单打 | 单单 | 单刀 | 单独 | 单方 | 单干 | 单杠 | 单轨 | 单果 | 单过 | 单寒 | 单行 | 单价 | 单间 | 单句 | 单据 | 单口 | 单利 | 单列 | 单名 | 单皮 | 单亲 | 单弱 | 单身 | 单数 | 单瘫 | 单条 | 单调 | 单位 | 单线 | 单项 | 单姓 | 单眼 | 单一 | 单衣 | 单元 | 单质 | 单子 | 单字 | 单作 | 单纯词 | 单打一 | 单放机 | 单个儿 | 单行本 | 单行线 | 单簧管 | 单季稻 | 单晶体 | 单名数 | 单身汉 | 单弦儿 | 单相思 | 单眼皮 | 单音词 | 单刀直入 | 单口相声 | 单枪匹马 | 单身贵族单a.mono【化】一的,单的comb. formazygo-表示“奇”,“单”,“不成对”单1. a Chinese family name\\dan\\ㄉㄢ\\1·one; single; individual2. of an odd number3. singly; alone4. only; solely5. simple6. thin; weak7. (of clothes) unlined8. a slip of paper9. a bill; a list\\chan\\ㄔㄢˊ\\1·the chief of the Huns (a common term during the Han Dynasty)单bill单mono双向☞单--一--一致的〔词头〕双向☞地方规章--定单--单双向☞ 单--单根单[dān]形1. one; single♦ ~扇门 a single-leaf door2. odd♦ ~只袜子 an odd sock3. single; solitary4. simple♦ 简单 5. thin; weak♦ 单薄 6. unlined (clothing)♦ 单衣 副only; alone♦ 我~看见小李。 I only saw Xiao Li.♦ ~她一个人就拿了三块金牌。 She alone won 3 gold medals.♦ 把这几件东西~放在一个地方。 Keep these things in a separate place.名1. sheet♦ 床单 2. bill; list♦ 名单 ♦ 菜单




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