

释义 半1. half2. halfway3. partly4. about half5. to halve半 bànI num.1) half; semi-2) very little; the least bitII adv.partly; about half; halfway门半关着。 The door is half-open.III cons.1) 半 A bù B: neither A nor B半死不活 half dead2) 半 A 半 B: half A half B半开玩笑半指责 half joking, half censuringIV b.f.partial; incomplete半bànhalfsemi-incomplete(after a number) and a half半 num. 二分之一half半个苹果 half an apple半瓶墨水 half a bottle of ink半吨煤 half a ton of coal半岁的小孩 six month old child两斤半 two and a half jin一年半 one and a half years早晨四点半钟 half past four in the morning增加了一半 increased by half分成两半 divide in half走了一半路 got half way在中间in the middle半山腰 the middle of the mountainside很少very little说了半句就不说了 stop talking after saying a few words他连半句话也没有说。 He didn't say a thing.奴才对主子不敢说半个不字。 Servants do not dare to even think of saying no to their master.我今天身上半分钱也没带。 I haven't got a penny on me today. adv. 不完全partly半饱 partly full半透明的玻璃 semi-transparent glass半闭着眼睛 partly close one's eyes半转过身 turn part of the way around半现半赊地买 pay half now, half later半开玩笑半认真地对他说 speak to him half jokingly, half seriously晒得半干 dry partly in the sun头发半白 have partly white hair门半掩着 the door is ajar半 bàn 数 (二分之一) half:  半年 half a year; six months;  一天半 one and a half days;  减半 reduce by half (在 ... 中间的) in the middle; halfway:  半山腰 halfway up a hill;  夜半时 in the middle of the night;  工作到深更半夜 burn the midnight oil (比喻很少) very little; the least bit:  一星半点 very little; a wee bit;  他连半句话都不说。 He wouldn't breathe a word. 量 (常和“一”、“两”组合成“一半”、“两半”等):  把它切成同样大小的两半。 Cut it into two exact halves.  这些书有一半是德语的。 Half of the books are in German.  这些学生一大半来自农村。 The students are, for the most part, from the villages. 副 (不完全) partly:  半新的 half-new;  半死的 dead-alive;  半开的门 partly-opened door;  半机械化 semi-mechanized 名 (姓氏) a surname:  半乾 Ban Qian 林语堂林语堂★◀▶半半 352C20  22.10  部居  畫數 5ㄅㄢˋ [ban4] N.Half: 一天半,一天又半 one and half days;夜半=半夜 midnight;薪俸之一半 half one's salary;大半,少半(小半) greater, lesser half;對半 fifty-fifty;多半 adv., most probably, greater half;減半 reduce by half.Adj.(1)  Half number, amount or measure: 半小時 half an hour;半個時辰 half of two-hour period;半日,半月,半元,半打 half day, half month, half dollar, half dozen;半生,半世 half a lifetime, very long time;半費,半價(半折) 50% discount in fees, price;半途,半道 midway, 半不道=半道;半途而廢 leave off (a task) halfway;半路出家 without solid foundation or training;半面之交(雅) a once-met acquaintance.(2)  Not even a little: 半步不能行 cannot move (half) a step;半籌莫展 could not do a thing.(3)  半…半 half and half: 半懂半不懂 not fully understand;半推半就 (of woman) half yield and half deny;半吞半吐 speak with reservation, will not come out with it;半明半暗 half open, half underhand;半信半疑 half believe, not quite believe;半工半讀 work while studying at school;半青半黃 not quite mature, knowing a subject or lesson half well.(4)  半…不 (combined with opposite): 半新不舊 half-new (dress);半生不熟 having casual acquaintance;not well learned (lesson)半死不活 dead-alive.Words1. 半百 [ban4bai3], n., half hundred.2. 半半路路 [ban4ban4lu4lu4], adv., halfway, midway (also 半半落落).3. 半包兒 [ban4bao1er0], n., mean trick: 別跟我掏這個半包兒 lay off your dirty trick.4. 半邊人 [ban4bian1ren2], n., (coll.) widow or widower.5. 半彪子 [ban4biao1zi0], n., heady, young fellow.6. 半壁 [ban4bi4], n., (of a country) half, a slice of territory.7. 半大小子 [ban4da0xiao3zi0], n., boy in puberty.8. 半島 [ban4dao3], n., peninsula.9. 半弔子 [ban4diao4zi0], n., immature person.10. 半瘋兒 [ban4feng1er0]([ban4feer0]), n., a highly unconventional person, a crank.11. 半規 [ban4gui1], n., semicircle.12. 半憨子 [ban4han1zi0], n., half-crazy person.13. 半截劍 [ban4jie2jian4], n., small but smart person;14. 半截兒 [ban4jie2er0], n., half of a body, a half part;15. 半截塔 [ban4jie2ta3], n., a tall, husky person (half a pagoda).16. 半徑 [ban4jing4], n., radius.17. 半斤八兩 [ban4jin1ba1liang3], phr., not much to choose between the two.18. 半中間 [ban4zhong1jian1], n., midway, also 半中腰 [ban4zhong1yao1].19. 半殖民地 [ban4zhi2min2di4], n., semi-colony.20. 半開門兒 [ban4kai1merer0], n., secret prostitute (half-open door), also 半掩門兒.21. 半開眼兒 [ban4kai1ya3er0], n. & adj., pseudo-professional.22. 半空中 [ban4kong1zhong1], adv., in, out of the sky.23. 半拉 [ban4la0], n., half a piece.24. 半瓶醋 [ban4ping2cu4], n., a man with superficial knowledge of a subject.25. 半晌 [ban4shang3], n., a long time: 等了你半晌 have been waiting you for a long time.26. 半身不遂 [ban4shen1bu4shui4], adj., half-paralyzed.27. 半生 [ban4sheng1], (1) n., half a lifetime; (2) adj., immature, half-cooked.28. 半夏 [ban4xia4], n., (bot.) Pinellia tuberifera, a medicinal herb.29. 半夏稻 [ban4xia4dao4], n., rice crop harvested in Sept.-Oct.30. 半仙 [ban4xian1], n., Taoist magician, “half an immortal,” fortuneteller; n., 半仙戲 [ban4xian1xi4], n., the swing (a sport).31. 半歇 [ban4xie1], n., see [ban4shang1]↑.32. 半天 [ban4tian1], n., half a day, a very long time.33. 半子 [ban4zi3], n., son-in-law.34. 半夜 [ban4ye4], n., midnight.35. 半音階 [ban4yin1jie1], n., chromatic scale.36. 半圓規 [ban4yUan2gui1], n., protractor.37. 半語子 [ban4yU3zi0], n., one who stutters.半半路路 [ban4ban4lu4lu4], adv., halfway, midway (also 半半落落).半[bàn](ㄅㄢˋ)1.二分之一;一半(没有整数时用在量词前,有整数时用在量词后)[used before classifier when there is no integral number, and after when there is] one half; half:半尺 half a chi一斤半 one and half jin半价 half price过半 more than half一年半载 in a year or so; in about a year 2.在…中间 in the middle of; halfway:半夜 midnight半路上 halfway半山腰 halfway up a hill半途而废 give up halfway 3.〈比喻 fig.〉很少 very little:一星半点 a tiny bit; a very small amount 4.不完全 partly; about half:半成品 semi-finished product半新的楼房 half-new buildings房门半开着。The door was left half open.相关词组参半 | 大半 | 对半 | 多半 | 过半 | 太半 | 小半 | 夜半 | 一半 | 月半 | 折半 | 北半球 | 东半球 | 后半晌 | 后半天 | 后半夜 | 降半旗 | 老半天 | 南半球 | 前半晌 | 前半天 | 前半夜 | 上半晌 | 上半时 | 上半天 | 上半夜 | 西半球 | 下半场 | 下半旗 | 下半晌 | 下半时 | 下半天 | 下半夜 | 小半活 | 一半天 | 多一半 | 一多半 | 事半功倍 | 晚半天儿 | 早半天儿 | 黑更半夜 | 深更半夜 | 一…半… | 一鳞半爪 | 一知半解 | 事倍功半 | 一时半会儿 | 一星半点儿半百 | 半壁 | 半边 | 半大 | 半岛 | 半点 | 半价 | 半截 | 半径 | 半空 | 半拉 | 半路 | 半票 | 半晌 | 半生 | 半世 | 半死 | 半天 | 半途 | 半休 | 半夜 | 半音 | 半圆 | 半子 | 半辈子 | 半边人 | 半边天 | 半彪子 | 半成品 | 半导体 | 半道儿 | 半吊子 | 半封建 | 半疯儿 | 半规管 | 半流体 | 半瓶醋 | 半衰期 | 半文盲 | 半元音 | 半月刊 | 半制品 | 半中腰 | 半自动 | 半…半… | 半…不… | 半半拉拉 | 半壁江山 | 半大不小 | 半斤八两 | 半开门儿 | 半劳动力 | 半路出家 | 半身不遂 | 半生不熟 | 半死不活 | 半途而废 | 半夜三更 | 半殖民地 | 半自耕农 | 半无产阶级半a.dimidiate【生】对开的,半的;(菌盖等)半圆的quasi类似的,有几分像但不是的;部分的,半的n.half(精确或大致的)半,一半mezzo半,一半;中央quasi-comb. form 表示“类似”,“半”,“准”:quasi-religious (类似宗教的), quasi-official (半官方的)半1. half2. partly3. halfway半hemi;semi半hemi-半semi-半semi双向☞半--部分〔词头〕双向☞类--准--四双向☞一半--半半[bàn]数half; semi-♦ ~小时 half an hour♦ 一个~月 a month and a half; one and a half months♦ ~年 six months; half a year♦ ~机械化 semi-mechanized♦ 增加一倍~ increase by 150%形1. in the middle; halfway♦ ~山腰 halfway up a hill2. very little; the least bit♦ 他连~句话都不说。 He wouldn't breathe a word.副partly; about half♦ ~开玩笑地说 say sth. half jokingly♦ 房门~开着。 The door was left half open.




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