

单词 升级
释义 文馨英漢☞升級升级 shēngjí1) go up (in grade/etc.)2) escalate升级shēngjíto escalate (in intensity)to go up by one gradeto be promotedto upgrade (computing)升级学生升级to go up升级考试 placement exam晋级to upgrade升级制度 upgrade system产品升级换代 product upgrade不予升级 not allowed to be promoted进一步发展to escalate战争升级 escalation of a war轰炸升级 intensification of bombing逐步升级 escalation升级 shēng jí (晋升) upgrade; promotion:  那个职员升了级, 加了薪。 The clerk was given a promotion and an increase in salary. (学生升级) go up (one grade, etc.); promote:  升级考试 examination for promotion (战争的规模扩大, 事态紧张程度加深) escalate:  使战争升级 escalate the war 升级[shēng jí]1.从较低的等级或班级升到较高的等级或班级 go up one or more grades:产品升级换代 updating and upgrading of products考试及格,方可升级。One can not go up to a higher grade without passing the examinations. 2.指战争的规模扩大、事态的紧张程度加深等 escalate; expand step by step, as from a local confrontation into a general war:战争升级 escalation of a war升级n.remove〈英〉(学生的)升级;(尤指14岁左右学生的)年级upgrade升级;上升;提高品级,提高标准;加浓;加固;精选vi.upgrade提高;升级;改善vt.graduate使升级promote使(学生)升级upgrade提高,使升级;提升;改善superordinate使升级;使提高地位;使成为主要升级1. to upgrade; to grade up2. to promote; to advance to the higher class升级advancement升级escalation升级Up-grading升级up-grade升级upgrade双向☞[品质]提升--升级双向☞升级--提升[品质]双向☞提高质量--升级双向☞升级--升等升级1. go up one or more grades♦ 连升三级 be promoted three grades in succession2. escalate♦ 战争~ escalation (of a war)3. (of product) update, upgrade♦ 产品的~换代 replace (outmoded) products and upgrade the line




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