

单词 升华
释义 文馨英漢☞昇華升华 shēnghuáI v.1) phy. sublimate2) raise to a higher levelII n.1) distillation2) sublimation升华shēnghuáto sublimatesublimation (physics)to raise to a higher levelto refinepromotion升华【理】sublimation指事物的提高和精炼distillation艺术并不就是现实生活,而是现实生活升华的结果。 While art is not life, it is the result of the distillation of life.升华 shēng huá  {物} sublimation (事物的提高与精炼) raising of things to a higher level; distillation; sublimation:  艺术是现实生活的升华。 Art is the distillation of life. 升华沉淀作用 evaporation; 升华干燥 lyophilization; sublimation drying; 升华火箭推进剂 subliming rocket propellants; 升华计 apophorometer; 升华鉴定器 apophorometer; 升华牢度 sublimation fastness; 升华冷却 sublimation cooling; 升华能 sublimation energy; 升华谱法 sublimatography; 升华器 sublimator; 升华热 heat of sublimation; {热} latent heat of sublimation; 升华设备 sublimation apparatus; 升华生长工艺 sublimation growth process; 升华温度 {热} sublimation temperature; 升华物 sublimate; 升华性 sublimability; 升华压强(力) {热} sublimation pressure; 升华仪 apophorometer; 升华者 sublimer; 升华作用 sublimation升华[shēng huá]1.固态(晶体)物质不经液态直接变为气态。樟脑、碘、萘等都容易升华。 sublimate; evaporate; (of a solid such as camphor, iodine and naphthalene, etc.) become gaseous without going through an intermediate liquid state 2.〈比喻 fig.〉事物的提高和精炼 (of sth.) rise to a higher level; distillation; sublimation:艺术不就是现实生活,而是现实生活升华的结果。Art is not necessarily real life, but the distillation of it.升华a.sublimate升华的n.sublimation【心】升华【化】升华(作用)vi.sublime【化】升华sublimate升华;纯化;高尚化vt.refine〈喻〉使升华,使…的道德完善sublime【化】使升华sublimate【心】使升华【化】使升华升华1. [Chemistry] sublimation2. to sublime; to sublimate3. raising of things to a higher level升华sublimation升华sublimate双向☞升华--提纯--精练双向☞淀积--沈降--升华双向☞升华--凝华双向☞宣泄--升华升华1.物sublimation2. raising of things to a higher level; distillation; sublimation♦ 艺术是现实生活的~。 Art is the distillation of life.~干燥 lyophilization




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