

单词 千虑一得
释义 千虑一得 qiānlǜyīdéhumb.1) even a fool may sometimes hit on a good idea2) my observations may contain a grain of truth千虑一得qiānlǜyīdéa thousand tries leads to one success (idiom, humble expr.); Even without any notable ability on my part, I may still get it right sometimes by good luck.千虑一得even a fool sometimes has a good idea千虑一得 qiān lǜ yì dé Even a fool may sometimes have a good idea.; A fool may give a wise man counsel.; contain a grain of truth; Even a fool occasionally hits on a good idea.:  我们的意见也许会有千虑一得之处, 供你参考。 Our observations may contain a grain of truth for you to refer to. 林语堂当代汉英繁简☞千慮一得千虑一得[qiān lǜ yī dé]《史记·淮阴侯传》:‘智者千虑,必有一失;愚者千虑,必有一得。’‘千虑一得’指平凡的人的考虑也会有可取的地方。也用为发表意见时自谦的话。 Records of the Historian·Biography of Marquis of Huaiyin: ‘A wise man is bound to make a mistake out of 1,000 thoughts, whereas a foolish man is bound to gain a grain of truth out of 1,000 considerations.’ [self-deprecating term to be used when presenting one's opinions] My observations may contain a grain of truth.千虑一得1. 见〖愚者千虑, 必有一得〗2. 谦 My observations may contain a grain of truth.




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