

释义 千1. a thousand千 qiān1) num. thousand; 1,0002) cons. 千 A wàn B: many/entirely AB千qiānthousandqiānsee 秋千[qiū qiān]千 num. 数目thousand千年 one thousand years一千倍 one thousand times千分之一 a thousandth顺序thousandth喻多a great number of已经说过一千遍 it has already been said many times over千 qiān 数 (十个百) thousand:  成千上万 by the thousands and tens of thousands;  千分之一 one (a) thousandth;  三千名学生 three thousand students (比喻很多) a great amount of; a great number of:  千百条建议 lots and lots of suggestions;  千百年来的梦想 an age-old dream 名 (姓氏) a surname:  千献 Qian Xian 林语堂林语堂★◀▶千千 1148A35  90.10  部居  畫數 3ㄑㄧㄢ [qian1] N. & adj.(1)  A thousand: 整千整萬 thousands;以千計 count by the thousands;千慮一得 even a fool may sometimes have a good idea;千慮一失 even a wise man sometimes makes a mistake;千鈞一髮 a thousand catties hang upon one hair -- extremely delicate situation;千載一時,千載難逢 once in a lifetime, golden chance;myriad, innumerable, all sorts of, oft. in conjunction with 百 (hundred) or 萬 (ten thousand): 千方百計 use all sorts of wiles and methods;千篇一律 (of speech, writing) stereotyped, all alike, monotonous;千呼百喚 called a great many times (before lady will come out);千迴百轉 innumerable twists and turns;千奇百怪 all sorts of strange things;千言萬語 innumerable words (to persuade);千思萬想 think over and over again;千頭萬緒 (of things) extremely complicated and difficult to unravel, a thousand things to attend to;千千萬萬 tens of thousands.(2)  A surname.Adv.Very, a thousand times: 千祈 (LL) I pray a thousand times (for pardon, acceptance);千祈勿怪 please do not take offence;see esp. 千萬 [qian1wan4]↓;千不該,萬不該 deeply (a thousand times) regret;千了百當 excellent to the nth degree;千嬌百媚 a thousand charms;千真萬確 absolutely true, one can swear it is true.Words1. 千秋 [qian1qiu1], n., (1) a thousand years; 各有千秋 each in his own way has made an important contribution; (2) a birthday congratulation.2. 千屈菜 [qian1qU1cai4], n., (bot.) the purple lythrum.3. 千伏特 [qian1fu2te4], n., kilovolt.4. 千古 [qian1gu3], adj., (1) historic, of the ages: 千古奇談 strange stories of the ages; (2) 某某千古 formula in condolences at funerals, “So-and-so has joint the ancients.”5. 千金 [qian1jin1], n., (1) (coll. & litr.) your daughter: 三千金 three daughters; (2) a thousand ounces of gold -- a heavy price or extremely precious: 千金一笑 a million-dollar smile (“one smile is worth a thousand ounces of gold”); 千金之體 your precious health; 一擲千金 gamble at high stakes.6. 千週 [qian1zhou1], n., kilocycle.7. 千兒 [qian1er0], n., see 打千兒 10A.00.8. 千里 [qian1li3], n., (lit.) a thousand [li1], a long distance: 千里鏡 a telescope, a field glass; 千里馬 a good thoroughbred; n., 千里駒 a fine race pony, usu., (court.) your brilliant son; n., 千里眼 (myth.) one who can see several hundred miles away, sometimes (coll.) a field glass.9. 千門 [qian1men2], (LL) a palace gate.10. 千眠 [chianmian2], adj., arch. var. of 芊.11. 千年 [qian1nian2], phr., a thousand years; 千年艾 (bot.) Chrysanthemum decaisneanum; 千年 (bot.) Rhodea japonica (usu. called 萬年青).12. 千日紅 [qian1ri4hong2], n., (bot.) common globe amaranth, gomphrena globosa.13. 千歲 [qian1sui4], phr., (1) a thousand years; (2) Your Highness (to a prince, dist. 萬歲 “[ban1sui4]” for Your Majesty).14. 千層底 [qian1ceng2di3], n., shoe sole made of many layers of cloth, firmly stitched together, hence 千底鞋 shoes with cloth soles.15. 千瓦 () [qian1wa3], n., kilowatt (kw.).16. 千萬 [qian1wan4], (1) adv., please do: 千萬小心 please do be careful: 千萬要記得 please do remember; adv., esp. in emphatic negative: 千萬勿忘記 on no account fail to remember; (oft. at end of letter: 千萬千萬 or 千萬珍重 do take care of your health; (2) adj., numerous: 千千萬萬 myriads of.17. 千葉 [qian1ye4], n., (flowers) of multiple petals.18. 千億 [qian1yi4], n., myriads; 一千億 (lit.) 100,000,000,000 (one hundred thousand million).林语堂☞韆千[qiān](ㄑㄧㄢ)1.〈数目 numeral〉十个百 ten hundred:小麦亩产突破千斤。Per-mu wheat yield topped the 1,000 jin mark. 2.〈比喻 fig.〉很多 countless; innumerable:千方百计 in a thousand and one ways; by every possible means; by hook or by crook千军万马 thousands upon thousands of horses and soldiers 3.(Qiān) 姓 a surname相关词组打千 | 秋千 | 万千 | 成千成万 | 大千世界 | 盈千累万 | 百孔千疮 | 彪炳千古 | 跛鳖千里 | 尺幅千里 | 各有千秋 | 名垂千古 | 万水千山 | 万紫千红 | 一发千钧 | 一落千丈 | 一诺千金 | 一日千里 | 一泻千里 | 一掷千金 | 一字千金 | 倚马千言 | 气象万千 | 万儿八千 | 十万八千里 | 一失足成千古恨 | 差之毫厘,谬以千里 | 失之毫厘,谬以千里千夫 | 千古 | 千斤 | 千金 | 千卡 | 千克 | 千秋 | 千岁 | 千瓦 | 千万 | 千张 | 千分表 | 千分尺 | 千分点 | 千分数 | 千斤顶 | 千里马 | 千里眼 | 千粒重 | 千…万… | 千锤百炼 | 千儿八百 | 千方百计 | 千钧一发 | 千里鹅毛 | 千虑一得 | 千虑一失 | 千篇一律 | 千奇百怪 | 千载难逢 | 千载一时 | 千姿百态 | 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 | 千里之行,始于足下千n.mil千mille千(主要用在 per mille 一语中)千1. a thousand2. a great amount of\\\\1·a swing千kilo{=k}千kilo,K千kilo千k双向☞千--K 字形--绝对温度千[qiān]数1. thousand2. a great amount of; a great number of♦ ~百条建议 lots and lots of suggestions♦ ~百年来的梦想 an age-old dream




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