

单词 北极
释义 文馨英漢☞北極北极 Běijí1) North/Arctic Pole2) north magnetic pole北极běijíthe North Polethe Arctic Polethe north magnetic pole北极【地理】north pole北极地区 Arctic region北极探险 Arctic exploration北极探险家 Arctic explorer【理】magnetic north pole磁针北极 magnetic north pole北极 běi jí (地轴的北端) the North Pole; the Arctic Pole; arctic (北磁极) the north magnetic pole 北极地区 arctic; Arctic regions; north polar regions; 北极地衣 arctic lichens; 北极高山群落 arctalpine community; 北极高山群系 arctalpine formation; 北极高山植物区系 arctalpine flora; 北极管 polar tube; polar telescope; 北极光 northern lights; aurora borealis; aurora polaris; 北极光幕 dramundan; 北极红点鲑 arctic charr; 北极狐 Arctic Fox; Alopex lagopus; 北极茴鱼 Alaska grayling; 北极剪秋罗 alpine campion; 北极露脊鲸 icebreaker; Greeland whale; bowhead; Arctic whale; 北极气团 arctic air; arctic air mass; 北极圈 the Arctic Circle; arctic; 北极犬 Eskimo dog; 北极兔 polar hare; 北极熊 bear; polar bear; 北极岩群 Arctic suite; 北极晕 aurora glory北极[běi jí]1.地轴的北端,北半球的顶点 North Pole; north end of the earth's axis marking the northernmost point of the Northern Hemisphere 2.北磁极,用N来表示 north magnetic pole (indicated by N)北极a.arctic[常作A-]北极的;近北极的;北极区的boreal北的,北方的;北极的;北风的hyperborean北极的;北极人的n.north北部(地区);[N-] 英格兰北部;美国北方地区(尤指南北战争中的北方各州);(地球的)北极(地区)arctic[常作A-] 北极;北极圈phr.North Pole【地】北极(磁体的)北极北极1. the North Pole; the Arctic2. (of a magnet) positive pole北极arctic pole; north pole北极Arctic pole北极boreal pole北极pole; north北极artic pole北极north pole北极Arctic双向☞北极--N 极双向☞北极--N极北极1. the North Pole; the Arctic Pole2. the north magnetic pole~光 [天]northern lights; aurora borealis~狐 another name for 白狐~圈 the Arctic Circle~星 Polaris; the North Star; the polestar~熊 polar bear




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