

释义 化1. to change2. to dissolve3. to influenceABCABC★◀▶化 huàI v.1) change; transform; convert2) melt; dissolve; thaw雪化了。 The snow has melted.3) digest; remove4) burn up; incinerate5) disguise6) rel. die; pass awayII suf.-izeIII b.f.1) culture (文化)2) chemistry (化学)IV cons.1) 化 A wéi B: aconvert/change A into B2) convert/change/turn A into B化 huā(r)I n.1) flower; blossom2) pattern; design3) fireworks4) wound他挂了化。 He was wounded in action.5) smallpox6) Surname7) courtesan; prostitute8) essence; creamII v.1) spend; expend2) slang be horny; womanizeIII s.v.1) flowery; florid2) profligate3) blurred4) false5) randy; lecherous化huāvariant of 花[huā]huàto make intoto change into-izationto ... -izeto transformabbr. for 化学[huà xué]化 n. 参见:化学理化 physics and chemistry“化出化入”的简称,即指电影中转换镜头时一个画面隐去,另外一画面渐渐显露出来,屏幕上出现两个画面重叠的现象dissolve transition prefix 表示转变成某种性质或状态used in a similar way to -ize or -ify in English军事化 militarize工业化 industrialize电气化 electrify v. 变化to change化液体为气体 change a liquid into a gas化为灰烬 turn to ashes化为泡影 come to nothing化消极因素为积极因素 change negative elements into positive ones化悲痛为力量 change pain into strength融化;溶化to melt; to dissolve化猪油 melt lard雪化了。 The snow has melted.茶里的糖没有化。 The sugar in the tea has not dissolved.消化to digest化食 digest food感化to help someone change their ways教化 edify死to die坐化 to die in meditation烧to burn化纸钱 burn paper money遗体火化 cremate a body参见:化缘[huàyuán]化 huā 动 (用; 耗费) spend; expend:  化钱买书 spend money on books;  他在作业上化的时间不多。 He doesn't spend much time on his homework. 另见 huà。 2) 化 huà 动 (变化;使变化) change; turn; transform:  化大为小 turn big issues into small ones;  顽固不化 incorrigibly obstinate (感化) convert; influence:  潜移默化 exert a subtle influence on sb.'s character, thinking, etc. (熔化; 融化) melt; dissolve:  化冻 thawing;  用水化开 dissolve in water;  把这金盘子化掉。 Melt down the gold plate.  湖里的冰化完了。 The ice of the lake melted off. (消化; 消除) digest:  化食 help digestion;  食古不化 read ancient teachings without digesting them (烧化) burn up:  焚化 burn up; incinerate;  火化 cremate  {宗} (僧、道死) die:  坐化 pass away in a sitting posture (僧、道向人求布施) (of Buddhist monks or Taoist priests) beg alms:  化斋 beg a (vegetarian) meal 名 (化学的简称) chemistry (姓氏) a surname:  化从心 Hua Congxin (后缀, 加在名词或形容词后构成动词, 表示转变成某种性质或状态) -ize; -ify:  电气化 electrify;  工业化 industrialize;  简化 simplify;  美化 beautify; prettify 另见 huā。林语堂林语堂★◀▶化化 1265C40  91A.70-2  部居  畫數 4ㄏㄨㄚˋ [hua4] N.(1)  Culture: 化行俗美 the spread of culture made for good manners, culture spread and the customs were good;文化 culture;風化 public morals, social customs;化外 outside the pale of Chin. civilization.(2)  Short for 化學 chemistry: 化工 chemical engineering;理化 (=物理,化學) physics and chemistry.V.t.(1)  To change, to convert, to transform, to influence: 變化 to change;化…為 change into: 化敵為友 convert enemy into friend;化暗為明 change dark into light, also legalize what was underground traffic;化險為夷 come out safely from danger, bring order and peace out of chaos and confusion;化整為零 break up whole into parts;化腐朽為神奇 transform the corruptible into mysterious life;化干戈為玉帛 “beat swords into ploughshares”--put an end to war and have peace;春風化雨 the kindly influence of a good teacher.(2)  To disguise: 化名 use an alias, to change one's name in disguise;化服 change dress;化裝 [hua4zhuang1]1↓;(3)  To transform physically: 化氣 become gas;化水 liquefy;化成灰 become ashes;分化 disintegrate;溶化 to melt;融化 to merge;燒化,焚化,火化 to burn up (the dead as in cremation);羽化 (Taoist) to go up to heaven as a fairy.(4)  In many modn. terms=-ize: 歐化 Europeanize;西化,西洋化 westernize;現代化 modernize;形式化 become mere form, formalize;合理化 rationalize (industrial management);進化 to be progressive;惡化 worsen, deteriorate, become worse;表面化 bring to the surface.(5)  To beg: 募化 (Budd.) solicit contributions;叫化子 a beggar;See 化緣 [hua4yUan2]↓.Words1. 化除 [hua4chu2], v.t., to abolish, remove (prejudices, bad customs).2. 化度 [hua4du4], v.t., (Budd.) to convert to Buddhist way of life.3. 化鶴 [hua4he4], phr., (Taoist & LL) to fly up bodily to heaven.4. 化合 [hua4he2], v.i. & n., (chem.) to combine in chemical process; 化合物 (chem.) compound.5. 化境 [hua4jing4], n., in art, the ultimate highest state of becoming like nature itself.6. 化裝 [hua4zhuang1]1, v.i. & n., to dress in disguise.7. 化妝 [hua4zhuang1]2, v.i. & n., to apply make-up; 化妝品 cosmetics.8. 化名 [hua4ming2], v.t., to disguise one's name, adopt a pseudonym.9. 化身 [hua4shen1], v.i., (1) (Budd.) transformation of Buddha in different manifestations; (2) (of persons) a personification (of love, piety).10. 化生 [hua4sheng1], v.i., (Budd.) the creation of life or animals; become s.t. from nothing.11. 化香樹 [hua4xiang1shu4], n., (bot.) Platycarya strobilacea, a tree whose fruit is used for black dye.12. 化石 [hua4shi2], (1) n., (geo.) fossil; (2) v.i., to fossilize.13. 化學 [hua4xUe2], n., chemistry; 化學式 chemical formula; 化學家 chemist.14. 化驗 [hua4yan4], n., chemical analysis.15. 化緣 [hua4yUan2], v.i., beg for alms.16. 化育 [hua4yU4], n. & v.t., the growth and change of living things by nature.化…為change into: 化敵為友 convert enemy into friend;化[huā](ㄏㄨㄚ) 同 same as 花2 huā:化钱 spend money; cost money化工夫 put in one's time doing sth.; spend time; take time另见 huà化1[huà](ㄏㄨㄚˋ)1.变化;使变化 change; turn; transform:化脓 suppurate化名 assumed name化装 (put on) make-up顽固不化 be set in one's way泥古不化 stick stubbornly to old rules化整为零 break up the whole into parts化险为夷 transform danger into safety 2.感化 convert; influence:教化 train in good manners潜移默化 imperceptible influence; exert a subtle influence on sb.'s character or way of thinking 3.熔化;融化 melt; dissolve:化冻 thaw化铁炉 cupola furnace太阳一出来,冰雪都化了。The ice and snow melted away when the sun came out. 4.消化;消除 digest:化食 digest化痰止咳 prevent phlegm from forming and stop a cough食古不化 follow the beaten path 5.烧化 cremate; burn:焚化 cremate火化 cremate 6.(僧道)死 (of a Buddhist monk or Taoist priest) die:坐化 (of a Buddhist monk) die in a sitting position, with legs crossed羽化 (of a Taoist) die 7.指化学 short for chemistry:理化 physics and chemistry化工 chemical industry化肥 chemical fertilizer 8.后缀,加在名词或形容词之后构成动词,表示转变成某种性质或状态 [used as a suffix for a noun or an adjective to indicate sth. or sb. is becoming or made to have that attribute]:绿化 make the land green by planting trees, flowers, etc.美化 beautify恶化 worsen电气化 electrification机械化 mechanization水利化 bring farmland under irrigation化2[huà](ㄏㄨㄚˋ)(僧道)向人求布施 (of a Buddhist monk or Taoist priest) beg for alms:募化 collect alms化缘 beg for alms化斋 beg for alms from door to door另见 huā相关词组白化 | 变化 | 成化 | 丑化 | 醇化 | 磁化 | 催化 | 淡化 | 点化 | 毒化 | 恶化 | 儿化 | 分化 | 焚化 | 风化 | 孵化 | 腐化 | 钙化 | 感化 | 钢化 | 硅化 | 幻化 | 活化 | 火化 | 激化 | 简化 | 僵化 | 焦化 | 教化 | 进化 | 净化 | 开化 | 克化 | 老化 | 理化 | 裂化 | 硫化 | 卤化 | 绿化 | 煤化 | 美化 | 募化 | 奴化 | 欧化 | 膨化 | 歧化 | 汽化 | 强化 | 劝化 | 热化 | 溶化 | 熔化 | 融化 | 乳化 | 软化 | 弱化 | 沙化 | 烧化 | 深化 | 神化 | 熟化 | 炭化 | 碳化 | 糖化 | 特化 | 同化 | 退化 | 蜕化 | 文化 | 物化 | 西化 | 消化 | 驯化 | 衍化 | 演化 | 氧化 | 液化 | 异化 | 硬化 | 优化 | 羽化 | 皂化 | 造化 | 转化 | 坐化 | 白化病 | 昌化石 | 催化剂 | 孵化器 | 灰化土 | 活化石 | 简化字 | 叫化子 | 进化论 | 贫化铀 | 汽化器 | 汽化热 | 文化层 | 文化宫 | 文化馆 | 文化人 | 文化衫 | 氧化剂 | 液化热 | 白热化 | 标准化 | 表面化 | 大众化 | 电气化 | 概念化 | 工业化 | 公式化 | 规范化 | 合理化 | 合作化 | 荒漠化 | 机械化 | 扩大化 | 企业化 | 强告化 | 人格化 | 沙漠化 | 数字化 | 现代化 | 一元化 | 自动化 | 鼻化元音 | 电化教育 | 光化作用 | 简化汉字 | 硫化橡胶 | 软化栽培 | 同化政策 | 同化作用 | 物化劳动 | 消化系统 | 异化作用 | 春风化雨 | 二氧化碳 | 光天化日 | 无机化学 | 一氧化碳 | 有机化学 | 彩陶文化 | 出神入化 | 动脉硬化 | 富营养化 | 黑陶文化 | 龙山文化 | 潜移默化 | 食古不化 | 物理变化 | 仰韶文化 | 碳水化合物 | 无机化合物 | 新文化运动 | 有机化合物 | 农业合作化 | 动脉粥样硬化化除 | 化冻 | 化肥 | 化工 | 化合 | 化解 | 化境 | 化疗 | 化名 | 化募 | 化脓 | 化身 | 化生 | 化石 | 化外 | 化纤 | 化形 | 化学 | 化验 | 化育 | 化缘 | 化斋 | 化妆 | 化装 | 化子 | 化合价 | 化合物 | 化学键 | 化学能 | 化学式 | 化妆品 | 化险为夷 | 化学变化 | 化学电池 | 化学反应 | 化学肥料 | 化学分析 | 化学工业 | 化学平衡 | 化学武器 | 化学纤维 | 化学性质 | 化学元素 | 化雨春风 | 化学方程式 | 化干戈为玉帛化1. to change; to transform2. to influence3. to melt4. to digest化[huà]动1. change; turn; transform♦ ~害为利 turn harm into good; turn a disadvantage into an advantage♦ ~公为私 appropriate public property2. convert; influence♦ 感化 3. melt; dissolve♦ 雪~了。 The snow has melted.♦ 他把药片用水~开。 He dissolved the pills in water.4. digest5. burn up♦ 焚化 6.宗die♦ 坐化 7. (of Buddhist monks or Taoist priests) beg alms♦ 化斋 名略 见〖化学〗(动词后缀)-ize; -ify♦ 绿化




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