释义 |
ABCABC★◀▶匀和 yúnhuocoll.1) even; neat; uniform2) well-divided匀和 yúnhecoll. be just the right viscosity匀和参见:匀匀和 yún huo (口) well divided; even匀和[yún huo](~儿 yún·huor)1.均匀 even; equal; uniform:刚才还在喘气,现在呼吸才匀和了。(He) was panting just a moment ago, but he's breathing steadily now. 2.使均匀 even up; divide evenly:这些苹果大的大,小的小,得匀和匀和再分。There are big and small apples; mix them up first and then divide them evenly.亦 also 匀乎 yún·hu国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞匀和--均质化匀和(又作‘匀乎’)口 even; neat; uniform |