单词 | 勾 |
释义 | 勾1. to draw2. to tick offABCABC★◀▶勾 gōuI v.1) cancel; cross out; take a section from2) delineate; portray3) induce; evoke; attract; lure4) point brickworkII n.Surname勾 gòu(勾当)勾Gōusurname Gougōuto attractto arouseto tickto strike outto delineateto colludevariant of 钩[gōu], hookgòusee 勾当[gòu dàng]勾 n. 【数】shorter leg of a right-angeled triangle v. 画出钩形符号;画掉to tick; to cross out把叫到的姓名都勾出来 tick off the names that are called out从名单上勾掉 cross off the list描画to draw勾一个轮廓 draw an outline涂抹砖缝to point勾墙缝 point a brick wall招引to evoke这勾起了我一桩心事。 This reminded me of something that had been on my mind.勾起一连串回忆 evoke a stream of memories调和使黏to thicken参见:勾结[gōujié]勾 gòu 名 (姓氏) a surname: 勾良 Gou Liang 另见 gōu。 2) 勾(句) gōu 动 (删除或截取) cancel; cross out; delete; strike out: 勾掉一句 strike out a sentence; 勾出主题句 tick off (underline) the topic sentence; 勾了这笔账 cancel the debt; 他们把他的名字从名单上勾掉了。 They crossed his name off the list.; They struck out (off) his name from the list. (描画) draw: 用铅笔勾一个轮廓 draw an outline with a pencil (用灰、水泥等涂抹砖石建筑物的缝) fill up the joints of brickwork with mortar or cement; point: 勾抹砖缝 point up the brickwork (调和使黏) add sth. to make thicker; thicken: 勾芡 thicken soup; 勾卤 thicken gravy (招引; 引) seduce; induce; evoke; call to mind: 勾起一腔愁思 arouse great sorrow; 勾起对过去的回忆 evoke memories of the past (结合) collude with; gang up with: 串勾 conspire; 他们这帮人怎么勾上的? How did these people come to gang up? 名 (古代称不等腰直角三角形中较短的直角边) the shorter leg of a right triangle (姓氏) a surname: 勾宏 Gou Hong 另见 gòu。勾勾 1341B35 92.50 部居 畫數 4ㄍㄡ [gou1] (*ㄍㄡˋ [gou4] ).N.(1) (Var. 鉤) a hook, barb, sickle.(2) (Var. 鉤) (callig.) a stoke with a hook.(3) (Math.) (AC) the base of a right triangle.(4) A surname.V.t.(1) Strike out, cancel, delete: 勾消 (of debts, etc.) cancel: 一筆勾消 cancel with a stoke of the pen;勾除 delete;勾掉一句 strike out a sentence;勾去了 have s.t. sticken out or canceled.(2) Delineate, paint: 勾臉 [gou1lian3], 勾勒 [gou1le4]↓.(3) To remind, be reminded of s.t. past, to induce state of mind: 勾上心事 remind s.o. of some unpleasant experience;勾起一腔愁緒 arouse great sorrow.(4) To seduce, to induce or cooperate for evil purpose: 勾引,勾搭,勾情,勾通,勾串,勾結 [gou1yin0], [gou1da0], [gou1qing2], [gou1tong1], [gou1chuan4], [gou1jie2]↓;她又勾上了一個男人 she has made another man fall for her;勾人 seduce people;勾生意 solicit business.(5) Add s.t. to soup to make it thicker: 勾芡 [gou1qian4]↓;勾粥,勾滷 to thicken congee, gravy.(6) (*[gou4]) Grasp, take hold of, touch, reach: 勾到了最上一層 can reach the uppermost section;勾取 lay one's hands on s.t.;你勾得著那麼高嗎 can you reach so high?Words1. 勾芡 [gou1qian4], v.i., add thickening (e.g., corn starch) to soup (also 勾縴(兒)).2. 勾情 [gou1qing2], v.i., flirt (with s.o.).3. 勾串 [gou1chuan4], v.i. & t., conspire.4. 勾除 [gou1chu2], v.t., delete, cancel, strike out, to mark with “□”.5. 勾搭 [gou1da0], v.t., seduce (man, woman).6. 勾當 *[gou4dang0], n., (familiar, contempt.) business, affair: 幹這好勾當 do this dirty business.7. 勾股 [gou1gu3], n., (math.) (AC) a right triangle: 勾股形.8. 勾魂 [gou1hun2], v.i. & t., be seductive, seduce: 勾魂攝魄 (of women) have the power to make men crazy; 勾掉了魂 (of men) lose one's head under the seductive power of women.9. 勾結 [gou1jie2], v.t., align oneself with (disreputable elements).10. 勾欄 [gou1lan2], n., (1) orig., a balustrade; n., (2) a house of ill fame: 勾欄中人,勾欄女子 a prostitute.11. 勾勒 [gou1le4], v.i. & t., (painting) delineate the contour; n., contour lines.12. 勾臉(兒) [gou1lian3] ([gou1lia3er0]), v.i., (Chin. opera) to paint masks.13. 勾連搭 [gou1lian2da0], n., (Peking coll.) a row of houses with easy intercommunication.14. 勾留 [gou1liu2], v.i. & n., stop over, make a short stay.15. 勾消 [gou1xiao1], v.t., delete, strike out.16. 勾通 [gou1tong1], v.t., see [gou1chuan4]↑.17. 勾引 [gou1yin0], v.t., seduce (women).勾1[gōu](ㄍㄡ)(句)1.用笔画出钩形符号,表示删除或截取 make a check mark with a pen to delete or take out: cancel; cross out; strike out; tick off:勾销 liquidate; write off把这篇文章里最精彩的对话勾出来 mark the most interesting dialogues in the article 2.画出形象的边缘;描画 delineate; draw; draw the outline of an image:用铅笔勾一个轮廓 draw an outline with a pencil 3.用灰、水泥等涂抹砖石建筑物的缝 fill up the joints of brickwork or stonework with mortar or cement; point:勾墙缝 point up a brick wall 4.调和使黏 thicken:勾芡 thicken a soup by adding starch 5.招引;引 induce; evoke; call to mind:勾引 seduce; entice; lure勾魂 bewitch; enchant; fascinate这件事勾起了我的回忆。This evoked my memories. or This brought back my memories. 6.结合:勾结 collude with; gang up with勾通 collude with; work hand in glove with 7.(Gōu) 姓 a surname勾2[gōu](ㄍㄡ)(句)我国古代称不等腰直角三角形中较短的直角边 name given to the shorter leg of a right triangle in ancient China另见 gòu, 句 gōu and jù勾[gòu](ㄍㄡˋ)(句)1. 同 same as 够 gòu(多见于早期白话 oft. in early vernacular)2.(Gòu) 姓 a surname另见 gōu, 句 gōu and jù相关词组里勾外联 | 一笔勾销勾搭 | 勾当 | 勾兑 | 勾画 | 勾魂 | 勾稽 | 勾结 | 勾栏 | 勾阑 | 勾勒 | 勾连 | 勾脸 | 勾留 | 勾描 | 勾芡 | 勾通 | 勾销 | 勾乙 | 勾引 | 勾针 | 勾股形 | 勾魂摄魄 | 勾心斗角勾vt.joint(圬工)填塞(接缝),勾(缝)勾1. to mark; to put a check; to mark on2. to cancel; to cross out or off3. to hook4. to join; to connect5. to evoke6. to entice; to seduce7. a hook\\gou\\ㄍㄡˋ\\1·to manage2. business; affairs勾[gōu]动1. cancel; cross out; strike out; tick off♦ 把他的名字~掉 cross out his name; strike his name off the register♦ ~了这笔账 cancel the debt♦ 把重要的项目~出来 tick off the important items2. delineate; draw♦ ~出一个轮廓 draw an outline3. fill up the joints of brickwork with mortar or cement; point♦ ~墙缝 point a brick wall4. thicken♦ ~芡 thicken soup5. induce; evoke; call to mind♦ 这件事~起了我对童年的回忆。 This evoked memories of my childhood.6. collude with; gang up with♦ 他们这帮人怎么~上的? How did these people come to form a gang?名old name for the shorter leg of a right triangle另见 gòu勾[gòu](构词成分)另见 gōu |
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