

释义 勤1. diligent2. industrious勤 qínI s.v.1) diligent; hardworking2) solicitous3) frequent; regular; constantII b.f.service; attendance (值勤)勤qíndiligentindustrioushardworkingfrequentregularconstantqínvariant of 勤[qín]industrioussolicitous勤 n. 参见:勤务[qínwù]内勤 office work外勤 field work在规定时间内的工作或劳动attendance出勤 turn up for work adj. 参见:勤苦[qínkǔ];勤勉[qínmiǎn]经常frequent应当勤洗手。 You should wash your hands often.这里夏天雨水勤。 It rains regularly in the summer here.他来得最勤。 He comes here the most often.勤 qín 形 (努力, 不偷懒) diligent; industrious; hardworking:  人勤地不懒。 Where the tiller is tireless the land is fertile.  他这个人手勤, 屋子收拾得非常干净。 He is diligent and always keeps his house clean and tidy. (次数多; 经常) often; frequent:  衣服要勤洗勤换。 Clothes should be changed and washed regularly.  这儿春季雨水勤。 Rains are frequent here in spring.  最近他来得很勤。 Recently he comes very frequently. 名 (勤务) duty; service:  地勤 ground service (duty);  空勤 air duty;  内 (外)勤 office (field) work (在规定时间内准时到班的劳动) (office, school, etc.) attendance:  考勤 check on work attendance;  缺勤 absence from work;  值勤 be on duty (姓氏) a surname:  勤曾 Qin Zeng 勤勤 300B30  20S.50-9  部居  畫數 13ㄑㄧㄣˊ [qin2] N.Department of work, its worker: 勤務 [qin2wu4]↓;內勤 office work;外勤 field work involving running around;出勤 go out on field duty;值勤 during hours of duty;聯勤總部 Combined Service Forces General Headquarters.V.t.Be diligent at: 勤政 diligently attending to government affairs;勤民 diligently attend to people's welfare;勤王 [qin2wang2]↓.Adj. & adv.(1)  Diligent, industrious, hard-working: 勤學 study hard.(2)  Attentive, earnest, anxious to please: 殷勤,獻殷勤 to court a lady, to do everything to please (also wr. 慇懃).Words1. 勤惰 [qin2duo4], n., degree of hard work or laziness.2. 勤儉 [qin2jian3] ([qin2jian4]), adj. & n., industry and thrift; hardworking and thrifty.3. 勤謹 [qin2jin3], adj., dutiful and careful in work.4. 勤懇 [qin2ken3], adj., earnest and assiduous.5. 勤快 [qin2kuai4], adj., efficient (at work).6. 勤苦 [qin2ku3], adj., hard-working, sparing no energy, diligent.7. 勤勞 [qin2lao2], adj., hard-working, busy, indefatigable.8. 勤力 [qin2li4], adj., diligent, industrious.9. 勤勉 [qin2mian3], adj., earnest (at work).10. 勤王 [qin2wang2], phr., to serve the royal house; to send troops to support king when the latter is in trouble.11. 勤務 [qin2wu4], n., military logistic support; ground crew for air force; person so employed; 勤務兵 an orderly in army.勤[qín](ㄑㄧㄣˊ)1.尽力多做或不断地做(跟‘懒’或‘惰’相对 as opposed to ‘lazy’)diligent; industrious; assiduous; hardworking; try one's best to do more or keep doing sth.:手勤 diligent勤学苦练 study diligently and train hard人勤地不懒。Where the tiller is tireless the land is fertile. 2.次数多;经常 often; frequent:勤洗澡 take baths regularly夏季雨水勤。It rains often (or frequently) in summer.他来得最勤,差不多天天来。He is the most frequent visitor, coming almost every day. 3.勤务 work; duty; service:内勤 office work外勤 field work 4.在规定时间内准时到班的工作或劳动 (office, school, etc.) attendance; work or labour that requires the working staff to be in their places within the prescribed time:出勤 attend class; be in the workplace缺勤 absent from work or the workplace考勤 check on attendance执勤 be on duty空勤 air duty地勤 ground service or duty 5.(Qín) 姓 a surname相关词组出勤 | 地勤 | 后勤 | 考勤 | 空勤 | 满勤 | 内勤 | 全勤 | 缺勤 | 手勤 | 特勤 | 外勤 | 辛勤 | 殷勤 | 战勤 | 执勤 | 值勤 | 献殷勤 | 克勤克俭勤奋 | 勤俭 | 勤谨 | 勤恳 | 勤苦 | 勤快 | 勤劳 | 勤勉 | 勤勤 | 勤王 | 勤务 | 勤务兵 | 勤务员 | 勤工俭学 | 勤杂人员勤1. diligent2. frequently3. attendance at school; presence at work勤[qín]形1. diligent; industrious; hardworking♦ 辛勤 2. frequent; regular; constant♦ 衣服要~洗~换。 Clothes should be changed and washed regularly.♦ 夏季雨水~。 Rain is frequent in summer.名(office, school, etc.) attendance♦ 值勤




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