

释义 勞1. service2. meritorious deed3. to labor4. to toil5. to work6. to fatigue勞勞 1215C15  91.50  部居  畫數 12ㄌㄠˊ [lao2]  (*ㄌㄠˋ [lao4] ). [Pop. ]N.(1)  Accomplishment, work: 功勞 merit, achievements.(2)  A surname.(3)  Worker, laborer: 勞方 the labor (opp. 資方 the management);勞資糾紛 trouble between labor and management.(4)  (Chin. med.) a wasting disease, any disease resulting from excessive physical weakening: 勞傷 [lao2shang1], 勞瘵 [lao2zhai4]↓.V.t.(1)  Do manual work: 勞動 [lao2dong4]↓;勞心,勞力 mental and manual work(ers).(2)  To trouble (s.o.) with (s.t.): 勞駕 [lao2jia4]↓;勞人費馬 (of tasks) involve a lot of labor;勞民 [lao2min2]↓;徒勞往返 made a trip in vain.(3)  (*[lao4]) Bring gifts to fighting army, bring comfort to: 勞軍 [lao2jUn1]↓;慰勞 to comfort (victims of flood, etc.).Adj.Hard, wearisome: 煩勞 troublesome;疲勞 tiring, tiresome, tired.Words1. 勞保 [lao2bao3], n., labor insurance (short for 勞工保險).2. 勞步 [lao2bu4], v.t., (court.) (of friends) come to pay a visit: 昨天勞步,還沒有回拜呢 I have not yet paid a return call on you for your call on me yesterday.3. 勞頓 [lao2dun4], adj., weary and tired.4. 勞動 [lao2dong4], v.i., (1) do physical labor; 勞動者 workers, laborers; 勞動節 Labor Day; (2) ([lao2dong0]) (court.) to bother, trouble: 又得勞動您 sorry to trouble you again; 勞動大駕 please be good enough to do me a favor.5. 勞乏 [lao2fa2], adj., physically exhausted.6. 勞煩 [lao2fan2], v.t., (court.) cause (s.o.) trouble: 勞煩你 may I trouble you?7. 勞費 [lao2fei4], v.t., cost trouble and expenses.8. 勞工 [lao2gong1], n., labor, individual workers or as a class.9. 勞瘵 [lao2zhai4], n., (med.) tuberculosis (=肺癆).10. 勞症 [lao2zheng4], n., ditto.11. 勞績 [lao2ji1], n., work done, accomplishment, merit.12. 勞駕 [lao2jia4], v.t., (usu. used in the second person) please do me a favor: 勞駕你一會兒 may I trouble you for a moment? 不敢勞您大駕 dare not trouble you; 勞駕! 勞駕! thank you so much!13. 勞金 [lao2jin1], n., compensation for work, reward, fee.14. 勞倦 [lao2jUan4], adj., tired out.15. 勞軍 *[lao4jUn1], v.t., cheer up troops with gifts (also 勞師).16. 勞苦 [lao2ku3], (1) v.i., to work hard; (2) adj., having to work hard; (3) (*[lao4ku3]) v.t., encourage, bring comfort to (s.o.).17. 勞來 *[lao4lai4], v.t., (also 勞徠) encourage (s.o.) to enlist or come over.18. 勞累 [lao2lei4], v.t., to trouble, bother: 太勞累了 it's too much trouble; 勞累您了 sorry to have bothered you.19. 勞力 [lao2li4], n., manual labor: 勞力工作 physical or manual labor; 出賣勞力 sell one's labor for a living; 勞力所得 income from labor.20. 勞碌 [lao2lu4], adj., hard-working: 奔忙勞碌 running about; adj.,勞碌了一整天 have slaved for a whole day;21. 勞民 [lao2min2], v.t., (1) belabor the people: 勞民傷財 waste of manpower and public funds; (2) (*[lao4min2]) to cheer up the people by gift or message.22. 勞傷 [lao2shang1], n., (Chin. med.) disease resulting from gen. weakening and exhaustion.23. 勞神 [lao2shen2], v.t., bother (s.o. or oneself) with (s.t.); 勞神你 may I trouble you? please be so kind.24. 勞心 [lao2xin1], v.t., (1) do mental work: 勞心工作(者) white-collar work(er)opp. [lao2li4]↑; (2) to worry.25. 勞形 [lao2xing2], adj., tire body out (for living).26. 勞師 *[lao4shi1], v.t., comfort troops with gifts, see [lao2jUn1]↑.27. 勞什子 [lao2shi2zi0], n., (=牢什子) an eyesore, anything disagreeable or abominable.28. 勞瘁 [lao2cui4], adj., wearied and worn.29. 勞作 [lao2zuo4], n., (1) manual labor class in school; (2) manual labor.30. 勞資 [lao2zi1], n., labor and management, labor and capital: 勞資關係 labor relations.31. 勞務 [lao2wu4], n., service.32. 勞燕 [lao2yan4], n., (LL) 伯勞 Lanius bucephalus, and swallows: 勞燕分飛 (LL) going in different ways, said of friends at time of departure.33. 勞役 [lao2yi4], n., labor service, (criminal law) hard labor.




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