

单词 勃兴
释义 文馨英漢☞勃興勃兴 bóxīngwr.1) rise suddenly2) grow vigorously勃兴bóxīngto rise suddenlyto grow vigorously勃兴<书>burgeon; bourgeon在革命运动勃兴的过程中 during the burgeoning revolutionary movement保卫和平的运动勃兴于全世界。 The peace movement is flourishing across the world.勃兴 bó xīng (书) (勃然兴起; 蓬勃发展) rise suddenly; surge forward; grow vigorously:  开发区的勃兴 the vigorous growth of open-developing regions 勃兴[bó xīng]〈书 fml.〉勃然兴起;蓬勃发展 burgeon; thrive勃兴1. to grow vigorously勃兴书 rise suddenly; grow vigorously♦ 一个工业城市的~ the vigorous growth of an industrial town




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