

单词 势不两立
释义 文馨英漢☞勢不兩立势不两立 shìbùliǎnglìirreconcilable; incompatible势不两立shìbùliǎnglìthe two cannot exist together (idiom); irreconcilable differencesincompatible standpoints势不两立to be irreconcilable我和他势不两立。 He and I are sworn enemies.势不两立 shì bù liǎng lì be irreconcilable (incompatible) with; at daggers drawn; be implacably (diametrically) opposed to; impossibly for both to exist together; irreconcilably hostile to each other; One of the two must be destroyed.; (We and they) shall not live at the same time.; There is no compatibility between them.:  我没料到他们为这一点小事竟会如此势不两立。 I didn't expect them to be at daggers drawn over such a trivial thing. 势不两立[shì bù liǎng lì] 指敌对的事物不能同时存在 be mutually exclusive; be extremely antagonistic; be irreconcilable势不两立a.irreconcilable不能和解的;势不两立的;相对立的;反对的inveterate〈古〉深有偏见的;怀有宿怨的;势不两立的势不两立1. to be irreconcilable with; to be at daggers drawn势不两立be mutually exclusive; be extremely antagonistic; be irreconcilable




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