

单词 劳燕分飞
释义 文馨英漢☞勞燕分飛劳燕分飞 láoyànfēnfēipart; separate; go separate ways劳燕分飞láoyànfēnfēithe shrike and the swallow fly in different directions (idiom)(usually of a couple) to part from each other劳燕分飞to separate; shrike and swallow fly in different directions劳燕分飞 láo yàn fēn fēi be like birds flying in different directions; going in different ways; The couple is forced to part.; The couple has been torn apart against their own wishes.; the shrike and swallow flying in different directions -- to part from each other.劳燕分飞[láo yàn fēn fēi]古乐府《东飞伯劳歌》:‘东飞伯劳西飞燕。’后世用‘劳燕分飞’比喻人别离。according to the ancient yuefu song, Song of the Shrike Flying East, ‘The shrike flew east, and the swallow went west.’ Later this line was used as a metaphor for parting.劳燕分飞1. to be like birds flying in different directions; to part; to separate劳燕分飞the shrike and the swallow flying in different directions—part from each other




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