释义 |
文馨英漢☞勞師動眾劳师动众 láoshīdòngzhòng1) waste manpower; over-staff; mobilize too many people2) involve too many people劳师动众to bother a lot of people over a small matter劳师动众 láo shī dòng zhòng mobilize too many troops; belabour the people; drag in lots of people劳师动众[láo shī dòng zhòng]原指出动大批军队,现多指动用大批人力(含小题大做之意 make a fuss over trifles)(orig.) move a large number of troops劳师动众1. to mobilize too many troops; to drag in lots of people劳师动众mobilize too many troops —drag in lots of people (to do sth. ) |