

单词 劳保
释义 文馨英漢☞勞保劳保 láobǎolabor insurance; labor welfare劳保参见:劳动保险[láodòng bǎoxiǎn]享受劳保 be covered by labour insurance享受半劳保 be partly covered by labour insurance劳保待遇 labour insurance deal参见:劳动保护[láodòng bǎohù]; 参见:吃劳保[chī láobǎo]劳保条例 labour protection regulations劳保 láo bǎo (简) (劳动保险) labour insurance (劳动保护) labour protection 劳保储蓄 labour insurance deposit; 劳保福利 labour insurance and welfare; 劳保条例 labour protection regulations; labour insurance regulations; 劳保靴 working boots; 劳保医疗 labour-protection medical care; 劳保用品 appliances for labour protection劳保[láo bǎo]1.劳动保险的简称 abbr. for 劳动保险 láodòng bǎoxiǎn 2.劳动保护的简称 abbr. for 劳动保护 láodòng bǎohù劳保1. labor (or worker's) insurance劳保1. labour insurance♦ 吃~ live on labour insurance allowances2. labour safety♦ ~设施 labour safety devices




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