

单词 black and white
释义 black and white WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文black and white nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (greyscale)黑白 hēi bái He asked the director why she had chosen to use black and white for her movie.black and white, black & white nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. US, informal (police car)警车 jǐng chēblack and white, black-and-white adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." literal (in monochrome) (本义)黑白的 hēi bái de Black and white photography relies on composition rather than color.black and white, black-and-white adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." figurative (straightforward, clear cut) (比喻)非黑即白的,非此即彼的  The terms are laid out in black and white on page 10.black-and-white adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." figurative (absolute, uncompromising)不折不扣的 bù zhé bú kòu de  十足的 shí zú de   WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:英语中文in black and white advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (without colour)单色地 dān sè de  黑白地 hēi bái de I prefer to develop my photographs in black and white.in black and white adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." literal (in writing) (本义)白纸黑字写下来的,书面形式的  I didn't believe he was dead until I saw it in the newspaper in black and white.in black and white adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." figurative (made explicit) (比喻)明确的,白纸黑字的  We'll set out the terms of our offer in black and white so there can be no confusion. 在这些条目还发现'black and white':在英文解释里:black-and-white television - checkerboard - color - giant panda - gray scale sonography - killer whale - magpie - monochromatic - monochrome - panda - panda bear中文:黑白 - 黑白电视 black and white 白纸黑字,书面;书写品;印刷品;授权书,收据,字条 黑白画,墨画,钢笔画 黑白图片;黑白照片黑白影片 黑白电视图像 (胶卷、照片等上的)黑白色形象 黑白分明;非善即恶,非是即非,绝对化 [美国口语]警车警察 [美国俚语][亦作 black cow]香草巧克力汽水含两种安非他明的胶囊;含镇静剂和安非他明的胶囊 [black and whites] [英国英语]官方日常文书工作  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 black and whitephr.① (圖畫、照片等)黑白的,無彩色的(參照black-and-white)② 墨畫;書寫或印刷的東西;黑白照片put [set] down in black and white記錄下來;寫在紙上;印出來I want this contract in black and white.我要這份合同用書面寫下來。black and white¹black-and-white/blæk ənd waɪt/缩写为b/w、B&W或B/Wadj.1.+ photo, film, picture黑白的a black and white photo of the two of us together我们俩的黑白合照old black and white film footage老式黑白电影胶片2.+ television显示黑白图像的They watched the ceremony on a flickering black-and-white television set.他们在一台屏幕闪烁的黑白电视机上观看了庆典。3.(clear-cut)+ affair, issue, situation明确的;是非清楚的;黑白分明的But this isn't a simple black and white affair, Marianne.但这不是一个简单的非黑即白的问题, 玛丽安娜。black and white²black-and-white/blæk ənd waɪt/缩写为b/w、B&W或B/Wn.1.to be in black and white【摄】photo, film, picture +是黑白的The pictures were in black and white.这些照片是黑白的。2.in black and white(in print)白纸黑字的;书面的Maybe you don't want to read about Doug's death in black and white.也许你不想看关于道格死亡的书面材料。There it is in black and white.就在那里, 白纸黑字写着的。3.to see sth in black and white(as clear-cut)认为某事非黑即白;认为某事非对即错She saw things in black and white.她看问题绝对化。详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 adj黑白的搭配:[+ photo, film, picture] a black and white photo of the two of us together 我们俩的黑白合照 old black and white film footage 老式黑白电影胶片显示黑白图像的搭配:[+ television] They watched the ceremony on a flickering black-and-white television set. 他们在一台屏幕闪烁的黑白电视机上观看了庆典。明确的;是非清楚的;黑白分明的搭配:[+ affair, issue, situation] But this isn't a simple black and white affair, Marianne. 但这不是一个简单的非黑即白的问题,玛丽安娜。 nto be in black and white:是黑白的 The pictures were in black and white. 这些照片是黑白的。in black and white:白纸黑字的;书面的 Maybe you don't want to read about Doug's death in black and white. 也许你不想看关于道格死亡的书面材料。 There it is in black and white. 就在那里,白纸黑字写着的。to see sth in black and white:认为某事非黑即白;认为某事非对即错 She saw things in black and white. 她看问题绝对化。英英释义adj.not having or not capable of producing colorsn.the result of the printing processa black-and-white photograph or slide词形变化源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社美式英语: black-and-white国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞black and white--B/Wblack and white n1. 黑白画;黑白照片 2. 白纸黑字,书面 • You'd better write down your words in black and white. 你最好把你说的话写下来。 3. 黑白分明的;非此即彼的 • Rose is a very naive girl. Everything is black and white in her eyes. 罗丝是个天真的女孩子,凡事在她眼中只有对或错两种情况。 black and whiten.(名詞 noun)黑白畫;印刷,印刷品;書寫,書面;單色美術複製品;(電視的)黑白圖像;黑白分明,不是黑就是白;不是好就是壞;絕對化down in black and white 好好記下來,寫下來.【美•俚】夜down in black and white 好好記下來,寫下來.【美•俚】用香草冰淇淋和巧克力糖漿調製的蘇打飲料down in black and white 好好記下來,寫下來.document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');英華英華★◀▶黑白black and white black spots on the face black and white, white and black, 英華☞BLACK




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