

单词 动听
释义 文馨英漢☞動聽动听 dòngtīngpleasant to listen to动听to be easy on the ear说得娓娓动听 talk in a lively and pleasant manner动听 dòng tīng interesting to listen to; pleasant to listen to; moving; persuasive; pleasant to the ears:  动听的故事 attractive story;  娓娓动听 be very pleasant to the ear;  唱得动听 sing beautifully;  他能把极平常的事儿说得很动听。 He can make ordinary things sound interesting. 动听[dòng tīng] 听起来使人感动或者感觉有兴趣 interesting or pleasant to the ear; moving; persuasive:娓娓动听 be pleasant to the ear极平常的事儿,让他说起来就很动听。He can make ordinary things sound interesting.动听a.euphonious悦耳的,动听的,声音和谐的songful歌唱的;充满歌声的;旋律优美的;悦耳的,动听的动听1. to be appealing to the ear; to be pleasant to listen to动听interesting or pleasant to listen to♦ 他能把极平常的事儿说得很~。 He can make ordinary things sound interesting.♦ 她唱得很~。 She sings beautifully.




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