

单词 bitten或bit
释义 bitten或bit vt.bite的变形 bite [bait] vt.咬;咬疼;咬伤;咬断:The lion bit his trainer.狮子咬伤其驯兽者。The cat bit me.猫咬我。Stop biting your lip!别咬嘴唇啦!to bite the apple greedily贪婪地咬苹果 咬住,咬紧;抓住,攫取(on):Jack bit hard on the stick while the doctors removed the bullet from his arm.当医生从杰克手臂取出子弹时他紧紧咬住那根棍子。to bite the rope咬住绳索 (蚊虫等)叮,刺,螯:A mosquito just bit me.蚊子刚叮我。 咬出,咬成:to bite a hole in someones's pants在某人的裤子上咬了一个洞The dog bit me on the leg.那条狗咬了我的腿。 咬掉,咬下(off):to bite off a piece of meat咬掉一块肉to bite a piece off咬掉一块to bite off a large piece of the candy bar咬掉一大口长条状糖Don't bite your nails!别咬掉指甲! 咬了一口;开始吃(into):to bite into one's steak开始吃牛排to bite into the piece of cake咬一口蛋糕 (利器等)刺进,刺穿:The Sword split the Knight's helmet and bit him fatally.剑劈开了骑士的头盔并致命地刺进他。 (寒风等)刺骨,使感到刺痛,刺痛,刺伤;(严寒)冻伤,冻疼,冻坏:an icy wind that bit my face刺痛我脸的寒风faces bitten by the icy wind被寒风刺痛的脸 (辣椒,胡椒等)刺激,辣(鼻):The pepper bit my tongue.辣椒辣得我舌头发麻。 (酸等)腐蚀;侵蚀:Acid bites metal.酸腐蚀金属。 【蚀刻】(用酸类)蚀刻(铜板等)to bite a plate蚀刻版子 (齿轮,螺丝,钳子,锚等)咬住,夹住,紧抓住;固定住:to use a clamp to bite the wood while the glue dries胶水变干之前用夹钳夹住木头Studded tyres that bite the road紧咬住道路不打滑的装有防滑钉的轮胎 (强烈的兴趣、欲望等)缠住,迷住;紧紧攫住[常用于被动语态]:be bitten by a last for power权迷心窍 欺骗,哄骗,诈骗,使上当,利用[仅用于被动语态]:to get bitten in a mail-order swindle在一个邮购骗局中受骗 [口语]使烦恼;使愤怒:What's biting you?你在为什么事烦恼? [美国俚语]向…借钱 [澳大利亚,新西兰俚语]骗取;乞讨到 [古语]影响;给…留下深刻印象 [美国俚语]剽窃;模仿;偷学:If you bite others too often, you'll get a bad reputation.如果你老剽窃别人成果,你会败坏名声的。 (无可奈何地)执行(一项困难或痛苦的行动)vi.咬;叮;啃;啄(into,at): The cat bit into my arm.猫咬我手臂。The parrot bit.那只鹦鹉啄人。有咬(或叮)的习性,(狗等)爱咬人:Be careful,that dog bites.当心,那条狗会咬人。 刺痛;咬痛;产生刺痛感,具有辛辣味,有刺舌的味道;有刺激性 (螺丝、锚等的)咬住物体,咬紧;攫住;钉牢:The car wheels bit into the snow.汽车车轮在雪地上紧紧咬住不打滑。The tyres bite into the snow and we were on our way.轮胎在雪地上咬住不打滑,我们继续赶路。 (线等)切入物体;(工具或武器)穿透物体:The drill bit well.这钻头好钻。 【垂钓】(鱼)上钩,吞饵:Are the fish biting today?今天鱼来上钩吗?We have been waiting here for hours but the fish just aren't biting this morning.我们在这儿一连等了好几个钟头,可是今天上午鱼就是不来上钩。The flies are biting today.今天假蝇招鱼上钩。 (人)上当,受骗,中计,信以为真:She knew that was a mistake,but she bit anyway.她明知那里是错误的,但是还是上当受骗了。 腐蚀 起有利(或不利)的作用,产生良好(或不良)影响:The company's measures are beginning to bite.公司的措施已初见成效。 [口语]承认猜不中:I'll bite,what is it?我猜不出来,到底是什么呀? [口语]表示感兴趣:He was not interested in that plan,and I didn't bite either.他对那个方案不感兴趣,我也毫无兴趣。It was a pretty good offer, but he didn't bite.这是个很好的提议,但他不感兴趣。 [美国俚语]毫无价值;令人讨厌 具有吸引力,吸引人:“How was the concert?” “It bit.”“音乐会怎么样?”“很吸引人。”n.咬,叮,刺,螯 刺痛,咬伤,叮伤,蜇伤;伤痛,伤痕 刺激;(寒风)刺骨,针扎似的感觉 (鱼的)上钩,咬饵,吞饵 少量食物,一口食物 食物便餐,快餐,小吃[口语]量不多的一顿饭;吃得匆忙的一顿饭[口语]点心 咬下的一块,一口咬下的东西;一口的量 咬紧;钉牢;攫住 (言词等的)辛辣,尖刻,尖锐;感染力,说服力 【机械学】(工具等的)穿透(力);(车床夹盘等的)咬住(力)车刀;刨刀;切削刀;刀刃;刀头;辊缝锉面,锉边,(锉刀的)有齿面,(锉刀的)齿机械铲的一满铲之量 【牙科学】(上、下牙的)咬合(状况);啮合 【印刷、蚀刻】酸腐蚀,(酸对蚀刻版的)腐蚀作用 (在电台或电视台上播放的)声明(或发言)的片断(或简要节录),(访谈录等播放时的)引言片断,原话片段 (= sound bite) [口语](被扣除的)一笔数目,从总数中扣除的一笔钱;欠款中的一份顽强粗暴 [the b-][美国俚语]索价,要价,收费;花费,费用,代价[常用于短语put the bite on] [古语]骗子欺骗,欺诈,圈套 短语: another (或a second) bite at the cherry = two bites at (或of) a (或the)cherry (be) bitten with 成癖,对…着迷 bite and sup 饮食,食物与酒 bite off more than one can chew. [美国口语]贪多嚼不烂;承担力所不及的事,自不量力。 Bite on that! [美国口语]费费脑筋吧!好好想想吧! have a bite(of) [口语]吃一点(东西) have neither bite nor sup 未饮未食 jump the bite 【牙科学】矫正牙咬合 make(或take)two bites at(或of)a cherry 把一次可以完成的事分作两次做 均分微不足道的东西;一颗樱桃分作两口吃 Once bit(或bitten),twice shy. [谚语]一次被咬,下次胆小。(或:一次上当,下次小心。) put the bite on [美国俚语] 向…要(钱、礼物等),向…借钱,向…摊派捐款(或贷款),向…告贷 向…敲竹杠;讹诈,威胁 two bites at(或of)a(或the)cherry [口语][通常用在get,have,take,give等动词后面] 两次机会,又一次机会 婆婆妈妈,踟蹰不前 without bite or sup 未饮未食 变形:vt. bit . bitten或bit . biting 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》




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