

单词 功力
释义 功力1. efficacy2. potency3. potentiality功力 gōnglì1) efficacy; effect2) skill; craftsmanship3) manpower (needed for a project)功力gōnglìmeritefficacycompetenceskillpower功力参见:功效[gōngxiào]功夫和力量power and skill他的字颇见功力。 He is well grounded in calligraphy.功力 [gong1li4]2, n., (1) merits, efficacy; (2) (coll.) force and skill, esp. in regard to training.功力[gōng lì]1. 同 same as 功效 gōngxiào:草药的功力不能忽视。The efficacy of herbal medicine should not be ignored. 2.功夫和力量 skill and force:他的字苍劲洒脱,颇见功力。His calligraphy is vigorous and flowing, showing considerable skill.国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞电力--功力--权力英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Efficience, Efficiency英華☞Efficiency英華☞EFFICACY英華☞ENERGY




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