

单词 前身
释义 前身1. predecessor前身 qiánshēn1) forerunner2) Budd. previous incarnation3) predecessor4) front part of a Chinese robe/jacket前身qiánshēnforerunnerpredecessorprecursorprevious incarnation (Buddhism)jacket front前身原来的组织形态predecessor参见:前襟[qiánjīn]前身 qián shēn (原来的组织形态或名称) predecessor:  这个大学的前身是女子师范学校。 This university grew out of the Women's Normal school. (物体的前部) precursor; front前身 [qian2shen1], n., (1) the previous incarnation (also [qian2sheng1]↓); (2) the precursor of an organization.前身[qián shēn]1.本为佛教用语,指前世的身体,今指事物演变中原来的组织形态或名称等 predecessor; body of the previous life (formerly a term of Buddhism); original organizational form, name, etc. of sth. during the process of its development:人民解放军的前身是工农红军。The People's Liberation Army grew out of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. 2.(前身儿 qiánshēnr)上衣、袍子等前面的部分;前襟 front part of a Chinese robe, jacket, etc.前身n.predecessor(被取代的)原有事物,前身precursor(从中产生变化的)产物母体,前身,前体antecedent前身前身1. a predecessor; a forerunner前身progenitor双向☞先驱--母体--前身双向☞前身--先驱物质双向☞前兆物--前身双向☞前身--先质双向☞祖先--前身前身predecessor♦ 八路军的~是工农红军。 The Eighth Route Army grew out of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.




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