

单词 前尘
释义 前尘 qiánchén1) wr. the past前尘不堪回首。 It's unbearable to think of the past.2) Budd. impurity contracted previously (in the sentient world)前尘qiánchénthe pastimpurity contracted previously (in the sentient world) (Buddhism)前尘<书>the past回首前尘 look back on the past前尘 qián chén (书) the past:  回首前尘 look back upon the past 林语堂当代汉英繁简☞前塵前尘[qián chén]〈书 fml.〉指从前的或从前经历的事 what happened in the past:回首前尘 look back on the past




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