

单词 削价
释义 文馨英漢☞削價ABCABC★◀▶削价 xiāojiàcut/lower prices削价 xuējiàcut/lower prices削价xuējiàto cut down the price削价降低商品的价格to cut the price削价商品 cut-price goods把过时款式的衣服削价处理 sell outdated clothes at reduced prices残次品削价 cut the prices of defective products同时要求政府实施宏观调控,避免酿成削价恶性竞争。 At the same time, the government is required to implement macrocontrols in order to prevent this developing into the undesirable competition of a price war.为了争夺客源,潜水企业争相削价竞争。 In order to secure customers, diving enterprises have entered into a price war.削价 xuē jià cut prices; lower the price; price cutting 削价销售 at the (special) sales削价[xuē jià] 减价;降价 cut the price; lower the price:削价处理 disposal of goods at reduced prices; clearance sale削价a.cut-price削价(出售)的;(商店、商人等)卖减价货的cut-rate削价(出售)的;卖减价货的;提供减价服务的;得益于减价的n.cut-rate削价,降低的价格phr.price cutting【经】(以挫败竞争对手为目的等的)削价削价1. to cut prices; to lower the price2. a price reduction; a reduction in price; a mark-down削价cut the price; lower the price♦ ~处理 disposal of goods at reduced prices; a clearance sale




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