

单词 刻舟求剑
释义 文馨英漢☞刻舟求劍刻舟求剑 kèzhōuqiújiàntake measures without regard to changes in circumstances; stupid/useless action刻舟求剑kèzhōuqiújiànlit. a notch on the side of a boat to locate a sword dropped overboard (idiom); fig. an action made pointless by changed circumstances刻舟求剑act in disregard of changes in circumstances; make a notch on a moving boat where a sword has dropped overboard刻舟求剑 kè zhōu qiú jiàn (比喻拘泥固执,不知变通) carve on gunwale of a moving boat; marking where a sword was dropped -- foolish undertaking; carve a mark on gunwale in moving boat where a sword was lost -- ridiculous stupidity; cut a mark on the side of one's boat to indicate the place where one's sword has dropped into the river; mark the boat to locate the sword; nick the boat to seek the sword -- to take measures without regard to changes in circumstances; seek a sword from a notch on a boat刻舟求剑[kè zhōu qiú jiàn]楚国有个人过江时把剑掉在水里,他在船帮上剑落的地方刻上记号,等船停下,从刻记号的地方下水找剑,结果自然找不到(见于《吕氏春秋·察今》)nick the boat to seek the sword; Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals·On Current Affairs by Lü Buwei goes as follows: A man from the state of Chu dropped his sword in the river while aboard a boat. He immediately made a notch on the side of the boat from where his sword dropped. When the boat reached the bank, he jumped into the river from where he marked the boat and, of course, failed to retrieve his sword.〈比喻 fig.〉拘泥成例,不知道跟着情势的变化而改变看法或办法 do sth. in disregard of changed circumstances刻舟求剑1. to cut a mark on the side of one's boat to indicate the place where one's sword has dropped into the river; to take measures without regard to changes in circumstances; to be stubbornly unimaginative刻舟求剑nick the boat to seek the sword (make a notch on the side of a moving boat to show where to look for the sword which has dropped overboard)—take measures without regard to changes in circumstances




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