

单词 制裁
释义 制裁1. tribunal2. to punish3. to sanction制裁 zhìcái1) sanction; punish联合国对那个国家实行经济制裁。 The United Nations carries out economic sanction against that country.2) restrain制裁zhìcáito punishpunishmentsanctions (incl. economic)制裁to impose sanctions军事制裁 military sanctions罚款制裁 sanction by imposing a fine信贷制裁 credit sanctions对侵略国的制裁 sanctions on an aggressor country依法制裁 impose sanctions according to the law受到法律的制裁 be punished according to the law对他们的不法行为,必须给以法律的制裁。 They must be punished according to the law for their illegal actions.制裁 zhì cái sanction; punish:  经济制裁 economic sanctions;  实行制裁 apply sanctions; impose sanctions;  受到法律制裁 be punished according to law;  给以严厉制裁 mete out severe punishment to sb. 制裁对象 object of sanctions制裁 [zhi4cai2], v.t., to impose sanction on (aggressor), bring under control, control by law.制裁[zhì cái] 用强力管束并惩处,使不得胡作非为 apply or impose sanctions against; crack down on:法律制裁 legal sanction; punishment by law经济制裁 economic sanctions制裁n.crackdown制裁;镇压制裁1. to impose sanction against; to punish; to crack down (on)2. a crack-down (on sb. or sth.)国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞奖惩--裁定--制裁制裁sanction; punish♦ 予以~ mete out punishment to sb.; apply sanctions against sb.




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