

单词 到场
释义 文馨英漢☞到場到场 dàochǎngbe present; show up; turn up你必须到场。 You must show up.到场dàochǎngto show uppresent (at the scene)到场to be present有双方到场。 Both parties are present.拒绝到场 refuse to show up到场 dào chǎng be present; show up; turn up:  亲自到场 come in person; attend personally 到场[dào chǎng] 亲自到某种集会或活动的场所 turn up; show up; be present:展览会开幕的时候,许多专家学者都到场表示祝贺。When the exhibition opens, many experts are present to express their congratulations.到场ad.along在场;到场vi.materialize出现,到场phr.show face露面,到场come on the scene到场;登场;到来show head到场,出现,露面present oneself出席,到场;(病人)显露症状待诊hit the scene〈口〉到场;到来make the scene(尤指在时髦社会)露面,到场put in an appearance(尤指短时间)到场,露面on hand在场,到场,出席be along〈口〉到达;到场;拜访on scene〈口〉在场;到场到场1. to be present; to show up; to make an appearance; to present oneself双向☞到场--到达双向☞到达--到场到场be present; show up; turn up♦ 市长~为展览会剪了彩。 The mayor was present and cut the ribbon for the exhibition.




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