

释义 文馨文馨★◀▶文馨☞別文馨☞彆ABCABC★◀▶别 biéI b.f.other; another (别的)II aux.don't别忙! Wait a minute!III v.1) leave2) differentiate3) fasten4) stick in (one's belt/etc.)IV n.Surname别 bièpersuade sb. to change their opinion (别扭)别Biésurname Biebiéto leaveto departto separateto distinguishto classifyotheranotherdon't ...!to pinto stick (sth) inbièto make sb change their ways, opinions etc别 n. 差别difference新旧有别。 There is a difference between the new one and the old one.年龄有别。 There is an age difference.别于一般 different from the norm类别category pron. 另外的other别国的经验 experience of other countries别人不知道。 Other people do not know.没有别的办法 there is no alternative别有看法 have other opinions别的姑且不讲 not mentioning the others for the moment别的你去办。 You sort out the rest.别的我不敢说, 但在这方面我还有经验。 I wouldn't presume to speak out on other areas, but I have experience in this field.所有别的事儿明天再商量。 All the other matters will be discussed tomorrow.只有这个, 别的没有 There is only this one. There are no others.不是别的, 是他不肯。 It is just that he is unwilling, there's nothing else to it.这不是别的, 只是一种任性。 It is just a kind of wilfulness, nothing else. v. 离别to leave久别重逢 reunite after a long separation转动, 转变<方>to turn别过头去 turn away这个人的脾气一时别不过来。 This person's temper can't be changed just like that.辨别to differentiate别其真伪 determine whether something is true or false用针别住to fasten用别针别上 fasten with a pin用发针别着头发 fasten one's hair with a hairpin把一枚纪念章别在胸前 pin a badge to one's chest别在一起 fasten together插住to stick in把枪往腰里一别 stick a gun in one's belt腰里别着一枝枪 have a gun in one's belt绊倒对方to trip somebody up adv. 不要;用不着don't; no need to别这样做。 Don't do it like that.别以为太平无事了。 Don't go thinking that everything is alright now.别提了! Don't bring that up again!行了, 下面就别提了。 OK! Don't mention it any more.别骄傲自满。 Don't be arrogant and conceited.别这样糊涂 don't be so muddled别作声。 Don't make a sound.别客气。 There is no need to stand on ceremony.别操这个心了。 Don't worry about this.别开玩笑。 Stop joking.别胡扯啦! Don't talk nonsense!你别再睡啦。 Don't you go back to sleep.别再淘气啦! Stop being naughty!哼, 别后悔。 Humph, don't regret it.你别管。 Keep your nose out.你别想走! Don't you try to get away!你别生气。 Don't get angry.参见:别是[biéshì]别 bié 动 (分离;离别) leave; take one's departure:  话别 say good-bye;  告别 leave; part from; say good-bye;  久别故乡 leave one's native place for years;  久别重逢 meet after a long separation (区分) differentiate; distinguish:  别其真伪 determine whether it's true or false;  分门别类 classify; put into different categories (用别针固定物体) pin up:  别上领花 pin a collar flower;  胸前别着大红花 with a big red flower pinned on one's breast;  我们最好把这些文件别在一起。 We'd better pin (clip) the papers together.  (方) (转动; 转变) turn:  把头别了过去 turned one's head;  别起一条腿 lift up a leg (插住; 卡住) stick in:  把门别上 bolt the door;  皮带上别着一支枪 with a pistol stuck in one's belt 名 (差别) distinction; difference:  天渊之别 a world of difference;  男女有别 distinction between sexes (类别) classification:  职别 official rank;  派别 group; school;  性别 sex (姓氏) a surname:  别掺 Bie Can 代 (另外) other; another; some other:  别处 another place; elsewhere;  别有情趣 have a distinctive interest;  别具特色 have a unique characteristic 副 (不要)don't:  别来这一套。 Don't try that stuff with me!  别忙! No hurry.; Take your time.  别忘了。 Don't forget.  别管我, 救火要紧! Don't bother about me! Put out the fire first.  别走了。 Don't go away.  别提了。 Let's not talk about it.; Don't mention it. (跟“是”字合用, 表示揣测) maybe:  约定的时间都过了,别是他不来了吧? It's past the appointed time. Maybe he isn't coming.  2) 别(彆) biè 动 (方) (改变) change (sb.'s opinion):  别不过 unable to dissuade; fail to talk sb. out of doing sth. 林语堂林语堂★◀▶林语堂☞別林语堂☞彆别1[bié](ㄅㄧㄝˊ)1.分离 leave; part:告别 say goodbye to sb.; leave, take leave of; part from临别纪念 parting souvenir; sth. to remember one by; memento久别重逢 meet again after a long separation 2.另外 other; another:别人 someone else; other people; another person; others别称 another name; alternative name别有用心 have ulterior motives; have an axe to grind 3.〈方 dial.〉转动;转变 turn; change:她把头别了过去。She turned her head.这个人的脾气一时别不过来。His temper is difficult to change in a short time. 4.(Bié) 姓 a surname别2[bié](ㄅㄧㄝˊ)1.区分;区别 differentiate; distinguish:辨别 differentiate; distinguish鉴别 discern; discriminate; differentiate; distinguish分门别类 classify; put into different categories 2.差别 difference; distinction:天渊之别 a world of difference; poles apart 3.类别 classification; category:性别 sex distinction; sex职别 official rank派别 faction; group; school of thought级别 rank; level; grade; scale别3[bié](ㄅㄧㄝˊ)1.用别针等把另一样东西附着或固定在纸、布等物体上 fasten sth. with a pin or clip to a piece of paper, cloth, etc.:把两张发票别在一起 pin or clip the two invoices together胸前别着一朵红花 with a big red flower pinned to one's breast 2.插住;用东西卡住 stick in; insert in order to inhibit the movement of sth. or sb.:皮带上别着一支枪 with a gun stuck in one's belt把门别上。Bolt the door. 3.摔跤时用腿使绊把对方摔倒 (in wrestling) cause sb. to stumble by a swinging movement of one's leg; trip up 4.两个人朝同一方向行车时,一方故意用车阻碍另一方车的前轮,使不能正常行进 (when two bikes or cars are advancing in the same direction) deliberately hinder the advance of a bike or car with one's own:别车 stop an advancing bike or car with one's own别4[bié](ㄅㄧㄝˊ)1.表示禁止或劝阻,跟‘不要’的意思相同 [used in giving commands or advice] don't; had better not (the meaning same as 不要 bùyào):别冒冒失失的。Don't act rashly.你别走了,在这儿住两天吧。Don't leave. Stay here for a couple of days. 2.表示揣测,通常跟‘是’字合用(所揣测的事情,往往是自己所不愿意的)[usu. followed by 是 shì, indicating conjecture of sth. against one's own wish]:约定的时间都过了,别是他不来了吧?He agreed to be here by now. I hope he hasn't changed his mind.另见 biè别[biè](ㄅㄧㄝˋ)(彆)〈方 dial.〉改变别人坚持的意见或习性(多用于‘别不过’usu. used in the phrase 别不过 biè·bu guò)persuade sb. to change his opinion or give up his idea:我想不依他,可是又别不过他。I don't want him to get his way, but I can't talk him round.另见 bié相关词组辨别 | 差别 | 辞别 | 道别 | 分别 | 告别 | 个别 | 各别 | 话别 | 级别 | 饯别 | 鉴别 | 久别 | 诀别 | 暌别 | 阔别 | 类别 | 离别 | 临别 | 留别 | 流别 | 派别 | 判别 | 区别 | 识别 | 送别 | 特别 | 握别 | 惜别 | 细别 | 性别 | 叙别 | 永别 | 长别 | 甄别 | 职别 | 作别 | 错别字 | 闹别扭 | 曲别针 | 特别快车 | 分门别类 | 三大差别 | 生离死别 | 云泥之别 | 特别行政区 | 乌孜别克族别称 | 别处 | 别传 | 别管 | 别号 | 别集 | 别家 | 别价 | 别离 | 别论 | 别名 | 别扭 | 别情 | 别人 | 别史 | 别是 | 别墅 | 别提 | 别绪 | 别针 | 别致 | 别子 | 别字 | 别嘴 | 别动队 | 别出心裁 | 别具匠心 | 别具一格 | 别具只眼 | 别开生面 | 别树一帜 | 别无二致 | 别无长物 | 别有洞天 | 别有风味 | 别有天地 | 别有用心别a.other别的,其他的another另一的,别的,不同的else[常用于疑问代词、不定代词后]其他的,别的,另外的pron.none[用于相当于祈使句的结构中]不要,别phr.less of〈口〉[用于祈使语气]少;别别1. to leave2. difference3. to differentiate; to classify4. other; some other5. don't\\\\1·awkward别[bié]动1. leave; part♦ ~故乡 leave one's native place2. differentiate; distinguish♦ ~其真伪 determine whether it's true or false3. fasten with a pin or clip♦ 把表格~在一起 pin (or clip) the forms together4. stick in♦ 腰里~着旱烟袋 with a pipe stuck in one's belt♦ 把门~上。 Bolt the door.代other; another♦ ~处 another place; elsewhere名1. difference; distinction♦ 男女有~ make a distinction between the sexes2. classification; category♦ 性别 副1. (used in giving commands or advice) don't; had better not♦ ~忘了。 Don't forget.♦ ~忙。 No hurry. or Take your time.2. (used in expressing anxiety that sth. bad may happen)♦ 明天可~下雨。 I hope it won't rain tomorrow.♦ 他~睡过头了, 误了火车。 Maybe he's overslept and missed the train.另见 biè别[biè]动方 persuade sb. to change his opinion or give up his idea (usu. used in 别不过)♦ 我想不依他, 可是又~不过他。 I'd hate to let him have his own way, but I can't talk him round.另见 bié




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