

释义 利1. benefit2. profit利 lìI n.1) profit; interest2) advantage; benefit3) SurnameII b.f.1) sharp (锋利)2) favorable (顺利)3) do good (to); be beneficial (for) (利于)利Lìsurname Lilìsharpfavorableadvantagebenefitprofitinterestto do good toto benefit利 n. 参见:利益[lìyì]无利可图 nothing to be gained有利有弊。 There are pros and cons.这样做,肯定是利多弊少。 There are definitely more advantages than disadvantages to this method.不为名,不为利 not for fame or gain利润;利息profit; interest净利 net profit单利 simple interest复利 compound interest v. 使有利to be advantageous to这利于我们的团结。 This benefits our solidarity.毫不利己,专门利人 utter devotion to others without any thought for oneself adj. 锋利sharp利刃 sharp blade利斧 sharp axe利爪 sharp claw顺利beneficial形势于我们有利。 The situation is beneficial to us.利 lì 形 (锋利; 锐利) sharp:  利刃 a sharp blade (sword);  利爪 sharp claws (流利) fluent; eloquent:  利嘴利舌 quick of speech (顺利; 便利) favourable; convenient:  不利 unfavourable;  吉利 good fortun 名 (利益) advantage; benefit:  无利 without benefit;  各有利弊。 Each has its advantages and disadvantages. (利润或利息) profit; interest; gains:  暴利 exorbitant profits;  营利 seek profits;  连本带利 both principal and interest; profit as well as capital;  无利可图 gainless (资源; 财富) resources; wealth:  水利 water conservancy;  地利 land utilization;  功利 utility;  名利双收 gain both honour and money (姓氏) a surname:  利乾 Li Qian 动 (使有利) benefit:  利国利民 benefit the nation and its people;  损人而不利己 harm others without benefit to oneself 利利 1175B10  90A.00-2  部居  畫數 7ㄌㄧˋ [li4] N.(1)  Gains, advantage, profit, merit, what is good: 利益 [li4yi4]↓;有利可圖 there are profits to be made;得利 make profits, gain advantage;利弊得失 advantages and disadvantages, merits and demerits;利病 good and bad, merits and demerits;利害 [li4hai4], 利權 [li4qUan2]↓;見利忘義 forget principles at the sight of profit;利令智昏 money blinds, tends to make one do foolish things;利慾 [li4yU4]↓;利誘 lure by money offers;從中取利 get a “cut” in transactions;漁利 make profits by illegal means;利之所趨 where profits are to be gained.(2)  Income from capital: 利息 [li4xi2], 利錢 [li4qian2], 利潤 [li4run4]↓;利兒 profits: 這項買賣很有利兒 this transaction is very profitable;利上滾利 at compound interest;餘利 surplus profits;暴利 exorbitant profits.(3)  Resources, public utility: 水利 water conservancy;地利 land utilization;利源 [li4yUan2]↓.(4)  Wealth, riches: 利祿 [li4lu4]↓;名利雙收 gain both honor and money;財利 material wealth;功利 (主義) utility, -tarianism.(5)  A surname.V.t.To profit, be of advantage to: 利他 benefit others, be altruistic;利他主義 altruism;利己 to benefit oneself, be selfish;利己主義 egoism;傷人而不利己 injure people without benefit to oneself;利人 to benefit other people;利國利民 to benefit the nation and the people;利用 [li4yong4]↓.Adj.(1)  Sharp, cutting, fluent, eloquent, quick: 利刃 a sharp knife;利鈍 [li4dun4]↓;銳利,鋒利 (of knife, etc.) sharp;快利 ditto;流利 (of speech) fluent, eloquent;利齒,利口,利嘴 quick of speech;利器 [li4qi4]↓.(2)  Convenient, lucky, of good fortune: 便利,利便 convenient, easy to do or obtain;順利 without a hitch;吉利 good fortune.(3)  Smooth, orderly: 利落 [li4lou4]↓;利颼 [li4sou0]↓.Words1. 利弊 [li4bi4], n., advantages and disadvantages, merits and demerits.2. 利錢 [li4qian2], n., interest on bank deposits.3. 利器 [li4qi4], n., (1) sharp weapons; (2) military control (國之利器); (3) (AC) useful men at court.4. 利權 [li4qUan2], n., rights and privileges.5. 利得 [li4de2], n., (law) profits.6. 利鈍 [li4dun4], adj., (of the cutting edge of a knife, etc.) sharp or blunt: 成敗利鈍,在所不計 irrespective of success or failure.7. 利害 [li4hai4], (1) n., gains and losses: 利害關係 advantages and disadvantages; (2) adj., (correctly 厲害) severe, terrible, harsh (of person, plan), extremely capable (person).8. 利祿 [li4lu4], n., wealth and high honors: 功名利祿 high official positions and riches.9. 利落 [li4luo4], adj., (=俐落) smoothly done.10. 利率 [li4lU4], n., (banking) rate of interest.11. 利潤 [li4run4], n., (1) profits from business; (2) profits from capital investments.12. 利息 [li4xi2] (lih-'shi), n., (banking) interest on deposits.13. 利市 [li4shi4], (1) n., business profits: 利市三倍 threefold profits; (2) adj., lucky, of good fortune.14. 利颼 [li4sou0], adj., orderly, tidy.15. 利益 [li4yi4], (1) n., gains, benefits; (2) v.t., to benefit (society, others).16. 利源 [li4yUan2], n., natural resources.17. 利慾 [li4yU4], n., cupidity: 利慾薰心 lured by profits.18. 利用 [li4yong4], v.t., make use of, utilize, exploit: 廢物利用 utilize waste products; 被人利用 be utilized by others for their selfish ends; 利用時機 take advantage of opportunities.利[lì](ㄌㄧˋ)1.锋利;锐利(跟‘钝’相对 as opposed to ‘blunt’)sharp:利刃 sharp knife; sharp sword利爪 sharp claws 2.顺利;便利 smooth; favourable; advantage:不利 unfavourable; disadvantage成败利钝 successes and failures, advantages and disadvantages 3.利益(跟‘害’或‘弊’相对 as opposed to ‘harm’or ‘disadvantage’)benefits; interests:利弊 advantages and disadvantages; plusses and minuses有利 be advantageous to; be favourable to兴利除害 promote what is useful and abolish what is harmful 4.利润或利息 profit; interest:暴利 sudden huge profits; exorbitant profits薄利多销 small profits but quick turnover本利两清。Both the capital and interest have been cleared up. 5.使有利 benefit:毫不利己,专门利人 bring benefit (or do good) to other people without any thought of oneself 6.(Lì) 姓 a surname相关词组薄利 | 暴利 | 本利 | 便利 | 不利 | 创利 | 纯利 | 单利 | 地利 | 锋利 | 福利 | 复利 | 高利 | 功利 | 股利 | 亨利 | 红利 | 厚利 | 互利 | 吉利 | 尖利 | 监利 | 净利 | 两利 | 流利 | 麻利 | 毛利 | 名利 | 牟利 | 年利 | 权利 | 让利 | 锐利 | 舍利 | 胜利 | 失利 | 势利 | 爽利 | 水利 | 税利 | 顺利 | 私利 | 微利 | 犀利 | 盈利 | 营利 | 赢利 | 有利 | 余利 | 渔利 | 月利 | 债利 | 重利 | 专利 | 发利市 | 氟利昂 | 负利率 | 高利贷 | 马利亚 | 名利场 | 势利眼 | 战利品 | 功利主义 | 权利能力 | 胜利果实 | 水利工程 | 水利枢纽 | 惟利是图 | 兴利除弊 | 名缰利锁 | 损人利己 | 修旧利废 | 因势利导 | 综合利用 | 急功近利 | 民事权利 | 无往不利 | 一本万利 | 渔人之利 | 争权夺利 | 政治权利 | 普罗列塔利亚 | 尼格罗澳大利亚人种 | 鹬蚌相争,渔人得利利弊 | 利导 | 利钝 | 利多 | 利害 | 利金 | 利空 | 利口 | 利禄 | 利落 | 利率 | 利尿 | 利器 | 利钱 | 利权 | 利刃 | 利润 | 利市 | 利税 | 利索 | 利息 | 利益 | 利用 | 利诱 | 利于 | 利嘴 | 利滚利 | 利己主义 | 利令智昏 | 利欲熏心 | 利息所得税利n.profit利,利润,赢利;(资产等的)收益;红利Leigh利 (Lee 的异体) (m.)利1. (of a knife, etc.) sharp2. advantageous3. advantage; benefit4. to benefit5. smooth-sailing; going6. profits; interest利[lì]形1. sharp♦ ~爪 sharp claws2. favourable; smooth♦ 顺利 名1. advantage; benefit♦ 有利有弊 2. profit; interest♦ 连本带利 profit as well as capital动do good to; benefit♦ ~己~人 benefit other people as well as oneself




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