

单词 初期
释义 初期1. in the early days2. in the initial stage初期 chūqīinitial stage; early days初期chūqīinitial stagebeginning period初期指人类文化的初期作品early part; early stage二十世纪初期 early part of the 20th century战争初期 early part of the war工作初期 early stages of work工人运动初期 early stages of the worker's movement在人类历史的初期 in the early period of human history初期保险费 initial premium初期作品 early work初期白内障 initial stage of cataract初期肺结核病 initial stage of tuberculosis这病的初期症状是厌食。 An early symptom of this illness is a lack of appetite.初期 chū qī prime; initial stage; early days; preliminary stage:  20世纪初期 early in the twentieth century;  解放初期 during the initial post-liberation period; just (right) after liberation;  劳工运动初期 the pioneering days of the labour movement;  战争初期 in the early days of the war;  在他文学生涯的初期 during the first period of his literary career;  战后初期 in the early postwar period 初期白内障 incipient cataract; 初期保险费 initial premium; 初期冰 slud; 初期错误 initial error; 初期储备 initial reserve; 初期故障 incipient (initial) failure; 初期减压 preliminary (initial) vacuum; 初期刊本印刷 cradle (incunabula) printing; 初期试验飞行器 early test vehicle; 初期失效 initial failure; 初期市场占有率 initial market share; 初期文明 infant civilization; 初期相 preliminary phase; 初期型号 early model; 初期微震 preliminaries; 初期位置 primary position; 初期写入 early write; 初期写入周期 early write cycle; 初期洋地黄化 initial digitalization; 初期盈余 initial surplus; 初期沾污 precontamination初期first period;初期[chū qī] 开始的一段时期 beginning period:抗战初期 early phase of the War of Resistance against Japan这病的初期症状是厌食。The initial symptom of the disease is loss of appetite.初期a.young初期的,新建立的;开始不久的;才使用的;新近的morning初期的,早期的infant幼稚的;初期的;初创的embryo萌芽的,初期的;未成熟的germ〈喻〉萌芽阶段的,早期的,初期的embryonic萌芽期的,初期的;未成熟的;未发育好的infantile早期的,初期的;(地形学上)幼年期的inchoate才开始的;初期的unblown未成熟的;幼小的;初期的embryotic萌芽期的,初期的;未成熟的,未发育好的incunabular初期的,摇篮时代的n.inchoation开始;初期;发源morning初期,早期youth初期,早期prime最初;初期inception开始,开端;初期embryo(事物的)萌芽期,初期;萌芽状态(的事物)infancy初期,幼稚阶段springtime初期boyhood(男子的)童年,幼年,青少年时代;〈喻〉初期incunabulum[incunabula] 初期,摇篮时代初期1. the initial stage; the primary stage; early days初期initial stage双向☞初期--幼芽--泉初期initial stage; early days♦ 战争~ in the early days of the war♦ 解放~ during the initial post-liberation period; just (or right) after liberation英華英華★◀▶英華☞Embryo、Embryon英華☞CHILDHOOD




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