

单词 创业
释义 文馨英漢☞創業创业 chuàngyèstart an undertaking; do pioneering work创业是艰难的。 It is difficult to do pioneering work.创业chuàngyèto begin an undertakingto start a major taskto initiateto ventureventureentrepreneurship创业to start up an enterprise艰苦创业 carve out a career创业利润 start-up profits创业 chuàng yè start (found) an undertaking (a business; a project); do pioneering work:  创业容易守业难。 It's easy to open a shop but hard to keep it open.  创业难守业更难。 Keeping is harder than winning.; To start a business is difficult, but to keep it going is more difficult. 创业[chuàng yè] 创办事业 start an undertaking:创业史 history of pioneering work创业守成 establish a cause and maintain it艰苦创业 pioneer an enterprise with arduous efforts创业a.groundbreaking开辟新天地的,创业的创业1. to start an enterprise; to do pioneering work双向☞创业--企业精神双向☞创业--创业精神创业start an undertaking; do pioneering work




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