

单词 刚好
释义 文馨英漢☞剛好刚好 gānghǎo1) just; exactly他们来得刚好。 They came at just the right time.2) happen to; it so happened that火车进站时我刚好到。 I happened to arrive at the same time as the train.刚好gānghǎojustexactlyto happen to be刚好正合适just right这双鞋他穿刚好。 This pair of shoes is just right for him.恰好by chance他来的时候,我刚好不在。 I happened not to be in when he came.你们来得刚好。 You came at just the right time.刚好 gāng hǎo (正合适) just; exactly:  我们刚好赶上那班公共汽车。 We were just in time for the bus. (正巧) happen to; it so happened that刚好[gāng hǎo]1.正合适 just; exactly:这双鞋他穿着不大不小,刚好。This pair of shoes fits him perfectly. 2.恰巧;正巧 by chance; by coincidence:他们两个人刚好编在一个小组里。The two of them just happened to be in the same group.刚好大叔要到北京去,信就托他捎去吧。My uncle happens to be going to Beijing; you can ask him to take your letter along with him.刚好ad.flat[表示某事在很短时间内完成] 刚好,仅仅phr.to a day恰好,刚好,一天不差刚好1. just; exactly; just on; only just; by the skin of one's teeth2. to happen to; it so happened that刚好1. just; exactly♦ 我们~赶上末班车。 We just managed to catch the last bus.♦ 这件上衣你穿着不大不小, ~。 This jacket fits you beautifully.2. by chance; by coincidence♦ ~校长在这儿, 你就跟他谈谈吧。 The Chancellor happens to be here. You'd better talk it over with him.




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