

单词 列车
释义 文馨英漢☞列車列车 lièchē1) train2) mil. convoy列车lièchē(railway) train列车train很长的列车 very long train旅客列车 passenger train军用列车 military train装甲列车 armoured train长途列车 long-distance train供水列车 water-delivery train直达列车 direct train北京—莫斯科直达列车 direct train from Beijing to Moscow开往北京的列车 train to Beijing列车乘务组 passenger train crew列车还没引到站上来。 The train has not yet arrived at the platform.列车 liè chē {交} train:  上行列车 up train;  下行列车 down train;  直达列车 through train;  国际列车 international train;  列车平稳而缓慢地驶进车站。 The train glides smoothly into the station. 列车避让线 switch-off siding; 列车编组 train formation; 列车乘务组 train crew; 列车冲动 slack action; 列车电话机 railophone; 列车调车机车 road switching locomotive; 列车调度员 train dispatcher; 列车段 train crew district; 列车发电 train power generation; 列车风管 train line; 列车跟车工 {采矿} rope rider; trip rider; 列车记录器 {电工} train describer; 列车交换 {采矿} trip change; 列车解体线 siding for splitting train; 列车控制{电工} train control; 列车控制继电器 train control relay; 列车控制线 train line; 列车旅客 railer; 列车棚 train shed; 列车凭证授受器 token carrier; 列车牵挽力 traction force of train; 列车人员 road man; 列车时刻表 train schedule; timetable; 列车速度自动监督 automatic train speed supervision; 列车停车点 stop-off point; 列车退行 backing-out; 列车脱轨 derail; 列车线 {电工} train-line; 列车行程 train journey; 列车引导运行 piloting; 列车英里 train-mile; 列车员 trainman; attendant (on a train); 列车运行图记录 graphic train recorder; 列车载重 train load(ing); 列车长 head of a train crew; 列车振动 train vibration; 列车指示牌 {工} describer; 列车重量 weight of train; 列车装载能力 train load; 列车自动调度 automation of train scheduling; 列车自动控制装置 automatic train control (ATC); 列车自动停车装置 automatic train stop (ATS); 列车自动停止装置 automatic train stopping device; 列车自动信号装置 automatic cab signal (ACS)列车[liè chē] 配有机车、工作人员和规定信号的连挂成列的火车 train; connected group of railroad cars pulled by a locomotive, serviced by a train crew and stipulated signals:国际列车 international train旅客列车 passenger train15次列车 train No.15列车n.train列车,火车rattler〈美口〉货运快车;列车列车1. a train列车journey列车train双向☞ 列车--重力斜坡道双向☞系列--列车双向☞列--列车列车train♦ 旅客~ passenger train♦ 直达~ through train♦ 15次~ No.15 train~调度员 train dispatcher~时刻表 train schedule; timetable~员 attendant (on a train)~长 head of a train crew




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