

释义 刊1. to publish刊 kānI b.f.1) print; publish (刊行)2) delete or correct (刊误)3) publication (刊物)4) periodical (期刊)II v.wr. inscribe on stone/wood刊kānto printto publishpublicationperiodicalto peel with a knifeto carveto amendkānold variant of 刊[kān]to peel with a knifeto carveto amend刊 n. 刊物publication周刊 weekly publication月刊 monthly publication双月刊 bimonthly publication半月刊 fortnightly publication季刊 seasonal publication年刊 annual publication v. 排印出版to publish创刊 go into publication停刊 stop publication削除;修改to delete; to correct刊 kān 动 (排印出版) print; publish:  出刊 publish;  停刊 suspend or stop publication (of a newspaper, etc.) (削除; 修改) delete; correct:  刊误 correct errors in printing 名 (刊物) periodical; publication:  报刊 newspapers and magazines;  纪念刊 memorial volume;  年刊 annual; yearbook;  期刊 journal; periodical;  特刊 special issue;  周刊 weekly (publication) 刊刊 1187B10  90S.00-2  部居  畫數 5ㄎㄢ [kan1] . [Usu. wr. ]N.Publication, periodical: 刊物 [kan1wu4]1↓;月刊,週刊 a monthly, a weekly;季刊 a quarterly;年刊 an annual;副刊 (literary) supplement to dailies;叢刊 a library of chosen books or articles.V.t.(1)  To print, publish: 刊版,刊印,刊行,刊載 [kan1ban3], [kan1yin4], [kan1xing2], [kan1zai4]↓;刊出 publish.(2)  To inscribe on stone or wood: 刊刻 inscribe;刊石,刊碑 inscribe on stone, monument.(3)  To chop down branch, tree (var. 砍);to eradicate.Words1. 刊版 [kan1ban3], n., edition (of certain place, format); v.i., to set up printed edition, to print.2. 刊本 [kan1ben3], n., edition (of certain place, format).3. 刊登 [kan1deng1], v.t., to publish (news, story).4. 刊落 [kan1luo4], v.t., to strike out, delete; (printer) to drop (certain words, lines).5. 刊行 [kan1xing2], v.t., to publish for sale.6. 刊頭 [kan1tou2], n., the masthead of newspaper or magazine.7. 刊載 [kan1zai4], v.t., publish, esp. in newspaper, magazine.8. 刊物 [kan1wu4]1 ([kan1wu0]), n., publication: 定期刊物 periodical.9. 刊誤 [kan1wu4]2, n., (list of) errors and amendments: 刊誤表 errata.10. 刊印 [kan1yin4], v.t., to set up and print.刊[kān](ㄎㄢ)(栞)1.古时指书版雕刻,现在也指排印出版 (old) engrave wooden plates for block-printing; (now) print; publish:刊行 print and distribute创刊 launch a magazine or newspaper停刊 (of a periodical, etc.) stop publication 2.刊物,也指在报纸上定期出的有专门内容的一版 periodical; column in a newspaper:周刊 weekly月刊 monthly副刊 supplement (to a newspaper, journal, etc.) 3.削除;修改 delete; correct:刊误 correction刊谬补缺 correct mistakes and make up for deficiencies相关词组报刊 | 创刊 | 丛刊 | 复刊 | 副刊 | 集刊 | 季刊 | 期刊 | 书刊 | 特刊 | 停刊 | 校刊 | 选刊 | 旬刊 | 月刊 | 增刊 | 周刊 | 专刊 | 创刊号 | 发刊词 | 半月刊 | 双月刊 | 不刊之论 | 机关刊物刊本 | 刊布 | 刊登 | 刊行 | 刊刻 | 刊落 | 刊授 | 刊头 | 刊物 | 刊印 | 刊载刊1. to print; to publish2. a periodical刊[kān]动1. print; publish♦ 创刊 2. delete or correct♦ 刊误 名periodical; publication♦ 报刊 ♦ 周刊




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