

单词 切题
释义 文馨英漢☞切題切题 qiètí1) v.o. keep to the point这篇文章不切题。 This article does not keep to the point.2) s.v. relevant; pertinent切题qiètíto keep to the subject切题to keep to the point文章不切题。 This article strays from the subject.切题 qiè tí keep to the point; be relevant to the subject; be pertinent to the subject; stick to the topic:  他的文章很切题。 His articles just stick to the topic.  你的话不切题。 Your remark is not pertinent to the subject.  你写的东西应该切题。 What you write should keep to the point. 切题[qiè tí] 切合题目,没有离题 keep to the point; be relevant to the subject; stick to the topic; be related to the topic under discussion切题a.relevant有关的;切题的;确当的,适宜的n.relevance有关;切题;确当,适宜cogency说服力;中肯,切题phr.ad rem中肯的(地),得要领的(地),切题的(地)to the point切题的(地);切中的(地)切题1. to keep to the point; to be relevant to the subject; to be pertinent to the subject; to come to the point2. pertinence切题keep to the point; be relevant to the subject♦ 写文章要~。 When writing, keep to the subject.




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