

单词 分明
释义 分明1. clear2. telling分明 fēnmíng1) s.v. clearly demarcated; distinct2) adv. clearly; plainly; evidently老师分明说下星期才考试。 The teacher clearly said that there wouldn't be a test until next week.分明fēnmíngcleardistinctevidentlyclearly分明界限清楚distinct爱憎分明 know what to love and what to hate要公私分明 keep public and private separate黑白分明 the sharp contrast between black and white明明clearly大家分明看出是你。 Everyone can clearly see that it is you.这分明是句谎话。 This is a blatant lie.他分明是不懂,却还要装内行。 He clearly doesn't understand, but still pretends that he's an expert in the field.分明 fēn míng (清楚) clear; obvious; clearly demarcated; sharply contoured; distinct:  黑白分明 as distinct as black from white;  界线分明 clear demarcation;  爱憎分明 be clear about what to love and what to hate; know clearly whom to love and whom to hate (明明; 显然) clearly; plainly; evidently:  分明是强盗, 却要装圣贤。 He is obviously a gangster, but he pretends to be a saint.  这分明是你的错。 Evidently you are in the wrong.  分明是他错了, 你为什么怪我? It's obvious that he is wrong. Why should you blame me? 分明 [fen1ming2], adj. & adv., clear, clearly.分明[fēn míng]1.清楚 clear; obvious:黑白分明 as clear as black and white爱憎分明 know what to love and what to hate; be clear whom to love and whom to hate 2.明明;显然 obviously; clearly; evidently:他分明朝你来的方向去的,你怎么没有看见他?He was clearly walking towards you, how come you didn't see him?分明a.distant分开的,间隔的;不连接的;分明的slashing鲜明的,分明的sharp-cut分明的;明显的,清楚的ad.SLAM〈方〉分明地;全然分明1. clear2. clearly分明1. be clear; be distinct; be unmistakable♦ 这件事情是非~, 无可争辩。 The rights and wrongs of the case are perfectly clear and admit of no dispute.2. clearly; evidently; obviously♦ ~是你不对。 Obviously you are in the wrong.英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Distinctiveness英華☞TO DILUCIDATE英華☞DISCRIMINATE英華☞Distinctness英華☞DISCERNIBLE英華☞DISTINGUISH英華☞ARTICULATE英華☞DIFFERENCE英華☞DISTINCTLY英華☞TO DISCERN英華☞EVIDENTLY英華☞DISTINCT英華☞Distinkt英華☞EXPLICIT英華☞CLEARLY英華☞FLATLY英華☞CLEAR




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