

单词 分工
释义 分工1. to divide the work分工 fēngōng1) v.o. divide the work; be assigned a job分工明确 divide the responsibilities clearly2) n. division of labor分工fēngōngto divide up the workdivision of labor分工to share out work社会分工 social division of labour分工过细 overdivision of labour分工负责制 system of division of work and individual responsibility分工合作 share out work and cooperate他分工抓生产。 He introduced division of labour to increase production.这几件事咱们分分工吧。 Let's divide up the work for these tasks.分工 fēn gōng divide the work; division of labour:  社会分工 social division of labour;  专业分工 division of labour based on specialization 分工[fēn gōng] 分别从事各种不同而又互相补充的工作 engage in different but related work:社会分工 social division of labour分工合作 share the work and help one another; divide the work and cooperate他分工抓生产。He is responsible for production.这几件事,咱们分分工吧。Let's divide up these tasks.分工phr.division of labor(为提高生产效率而进行的或指社会不同行业、职业之间的)分工分工1. division of labor2. to work together on a project but doing different things分工division of labor分工division of labour♦ ~负责 division of labour with individual responsibility♦ 咱们怎么~? How shall we divide up the work?♦ 社会~ social division of labour英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞DIVISION




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