

释义 分1. branch2. minute3. point4. score5. to divide6. to separate7. to distinguishABCABC★◀▶分 fēnI v.1) divide; separate2) distribute; allot3) distinguish; differentiate; discriminateII m.1) fraction2) one-tenth3) percent4) slang ten yuán (RMB)5) point我考试考了一百分。 I got 100 on the exam.III b.f.1) part (部分)2) branch (office, etc.) (分局)分 fèn1) ingredient; component (成份)2) what is within one's rights/duty (本份)分fēnto divideto separateto distributeto allocateto distinguish (good and bad)part or subdivisionfractionone tenth (of certain units)unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cmminute (unit of time)minute (angular measurement unit)a point (in sports or games)0.01 yuan (unit of money)fènpartshareingredientcomponent分 n. 表示分数used for fractions五分之一 one-fifth七分之三 three-sevenths十分之一 one-tenth三分长相,七分打扮。 Thirty percent natural looks and seventy percent make-up.参见:分数约分 reduce a fraction通分 reduce a fraction to its lowest terms长度单位Chinese unit of measurement equal to about 3.3 mm地积单位Chinese unit of area equal to about 6.6 m²重量单位Chinese unit of mass equal to about 500 mg货币单位fen; Chinese unit of currency equal to a hundredth of a yuan时间单位;角度单位【数】minute比赛的记数单位point得了十分 got ten points多赢了一分 scored an extra point超过对手五分 scored five points more than the opponent分数percentage算术得九十分 get 90% in arithmetic——你化学得几分? ——得五分。 What mark did you get in chemistry?年利利率;月利利率annual interest rate; monthly interest rate年利二分 20% interest per year月利二分 2% interest per month钞票<方>note(Britain); bill(US) v. 分开to divide按质量分等级 divide into grades according to quality把工人分为两组 separate the workers into two groups对半分 divide half-and-half一个瓜分两半 divide a melon in half分两次做 do in two goes分层开采 slice mining分区管理 zoning management分送包裹 distribute parcels男女分校 separate schools for girls and boys兵分三路 the soldiers divided into three columns一年分十二个月。 A year is divided into twelve months.整个报告分三个部分。 The report was divided into three sections.工厂分三班工作。 Work at the factory is divided into three shifts.参见:分配平分 distribute equally把孩子们分在各班里。 Distribute the children between all the classes.她把任务分给我了。 She assigned the task to me.参见:分别不分是非曲直 can't distinguish right from wrong不分年龄性别 not make age or gender distinctions adj. 分设的branch银行分行 branch of a bank分厂 branch factory农村分校 rural branch school科学院分院 branch of a science academy分会 branch委员会分会 branch of the committee分部 division分局 branch office分 fèn 名 (成分) component:  水分 moisture content (职责和权利的限度) what is within one's duty or rights:  过分 going too far; excessive;  恰如其分 appropriate; just right  同 “份” (fèn) 动 (书) (料想) judge:  自分必死 believe oneself cannot escape death 另见 fēn。 2) 分 fēn 动 (使整体事物变成几部分或使联在一起的事物离开) divide; separate; part:  难舍难分 cannot bear to part from each other;  你的头发是偏分还是中间分? Do you divide your hair at the side or in the middle?  事物都是一分为二的。 All things invariably divide into two.  我们把它们分为六堆吧。 Let's separate them into six lots.  一年分四季。 The year is divided into four seasons.  这药每天分三次吃。 This medicine is to be taken in three separate doses every day. (分配) distribute; assign; allot:  他被分到厂里的热处理车间。 He was assigned to the heat-treatment shop of the mill.  他分得了一户三室的套房。 He was allotted a three-room flat.  他们夺回土地,分给了农民。 They seized the land and distributed it among the peasants. (辨别) distinguish; differentiate; tell one from another:  不分青红皂白 make no distinction between black and white (right and wrong);  他是非不分。 He couldn't distinguish right from wrong.  我总是分不清他和他的弟弟。 I can never tell him from his brother. 名 (分支; 部分) branch (of an organization):  分店 branch (of a shop);  分公司 a branch company;  第二分册 the second volume of a work; Book Two;  新华社大连分社 the Dalian Branch of the Xinhua News Agency (分数) fraction:  约分 reduction of a fraction 量 (表示分数) portion; part:  二分之一 half;  三分之一 one-third; a third part;  四分之三 three-fourths (十分之一) one-tenth:  七分成绩, 三分错误 70 per cent achievements, 30 per cent mistakes;  有十分把握 be hundred-percent sure;  有一分热, 发一分光 give as much light as the heat can produce; exert every bit of one's energy (长度单位) fen, a unit of length (=13 centimetre):  三尺零五分 three chi and half a cun (地积单位) fen, a unit of area (=66.666 square metres):  三亩七分地 3.7 mu of land (重量单位) fen, a unit of weight (=12 gram):  二两四钱五分 2.45 liang (货币单位) fen, a fractional unit of money in China (=1100 of a yuan or 110 of a jiao):  十一元六角五分 11.65 yuan; eleven yuan sixty-five fen (时间单位) minute (=160 of an hour):  六点十分起床 get up at ten past six;  现在是七点差五分。 It is five minutes to seven. (弧或角的计量单位) minute (=160 of a degree):  成36度30分角 form an angle of 36 degrees 30 minutes (36°30') (经度或纬度的计量单位) minute (160 of a degree):  东经129度15分 129 degrees 15 minutes (129°15') east longitude (利率单位) rate of interest:  年利一分 10% interest a year;  月利一分 1% interest a month (评定成绩等的计数单位) point; mark:  得70分 score 70 marks;  她英语考了95分。 She got 95 marks in the English examination.  我们赢了5分。 We won by five points. 另见 fèn。分分 1067C05  80.50  部居  畫數 4ㄈㄣ [fen1]  (*ㄈㄣˋ [fen4] ).N.(1)  Term of measure, time, and value: 1/10 of an inch, hundredth of an ounce;10% interest: 兩分利 20% interest;a cent, a minute of time;10% of [mou3] 畝;公分 centimeter;分針 minute hand (time piece);分鐘 minute.(2)  Gen. expression of degree: 十分滿意 very, fully satisfied;萬分,十二萬分高興 extremely, enormously pleased;七八分懂得 understand 70-80% (=七八成);分毫 very small amount: 分毫不爽 not a tiny bit of difference;分文 a penny: 分文不取 will not take a penny.(3)  (*[fen4]) Duty, status: 本分 duty;分內 part of duty;非分 (越分) beyond what is proper (of request, etc.);守己安分 lawabiding, dutiful;(看) 情分 (上) (in view of) friendly status, relations;;緣分 special, honored relationship, lover's luck;身 分 personal status, see 91.00.V.i. & t.(1)  Separate: 分離,分散,分開 [fen1li2], [fen1san4], [fen1kai1]↓;分途,分道 (揚鑣) part on journey, go separate ways;分庭抗禮 (LL) be received as an equal;分家,分產 divide inheritance;分爨 have separate kitchens, live separately among brothers;分袂,分襟 part (sleeves) among friends;分心,分身,分神,分手 [fen1xin1], [fen1shen1], [fen1shen2], [fen1shou3]↓;分頭進行 (persons) proceed separately on common objective;分門別類 sort out into categories;分科 separate courses of study.(2)  Distinguish: 分別,分辨 [fen1bie2], [fen1bian4]1↓;不分彼此 share together;分不清 cannot distinguish;不由分說 give no chance to explain;分斤搿 ([bai1]) 兩 count pennies, be stingy.(3)  Divide, share: 分不到 fail to get share;分我一杯羹 give me a share of the soup;分利,分潤 get share of profit;分肥 share illegal gains;分臟 share spoils, booty;分甘共苦 fare and share alike;分勞 help, relieve one of work;分優 share and lessen worry;分謗 share the blame;分心 divide attention to other affairs;分工合作 division of labor;分曹 formerly, divide official duties.(4)  Distribute: 分給 give separately to persons;分發[fen1fa1]↓;分獎 give prizes;分紅 [fen1hong2]↓;分配,分派 [fen1pei4], [fen1pai4]↓.(5)  Judge: 自分(*[fen4]) 必死 believe I shall die.Adj.Branch: 分局,分行,分店 branch office.Adv.Separately: 分送 send separately to persons;分裝,分運 load, ship separately;分居 live separately.Words1. 分包 [fen1bao1], n., two acts being played at the same time on the stage.2. 分辨 [fen1bian4]1, v.t., compare and see the difference: 分辨是非黑白 distinguish right and wrong, black and white.3. 分辯 [fen1bian4]2, v.i., explain, give explanation in defense.4. 分別 [fen1bie2], (1) v.t., separate (two things); (2) adv., separately, respectively.5. 分布 [fen1bu4], v.i. & t., distribute, be distributed, spread, (races) scatter.6. 分歧 [fen1qi2], v.i., grow apart, diverge: 意見分歧 opinions divide.7. 分度器 [fen1du4qi4], n., protractor.8. 分發 [fen1fa1], v.t., give out, distribute.9. 分付 [fen1fu4], v.t., (1) pay, give out, separately; (2) order: 分付他回去 ask him to go home (usu. wr. 吩咐).10. 分割 [fen1ge2], v.t., cut up.11. 分號 [fen1hao4], n., semicolon (;).12. 分毫 [fen1hao2], n., a tiny amount: 分毫不肯讓人 will not give the slightest concession.13. 分化 [fen1hua4], v.i., disintegrate.14. 分紅 [fen1hong2], n. & v.i., bonus, to give bonus.15. 分爭 [fen1zheng1], v.i., have disputes, fight for (thing).16. 分解 [fen1jie3], v.i., (1) break up into separate elements; (2) ([fen1jie0]) explain: 分解分解一下 please explain; 請聽下回分解 the story will be continued in next chapter.17. 分界 [fen1jie4], n., demarkation of boundary.18. 分開 [fen1kai1], v.t., set apart, separate: 他們兩人分不開 the two persons are inseparable.19. 分兒 *[fen4er0] ([feher0]), n., share: 沒有我的分兒 I do not expect to share it.20. 分量 *[fen4liang4], n., weight: 有分量的文字 solid writing.21. 分類 [fen1lei4], v.t. & n., classify, -fication.22. 分裂 [fen1lie4], v.i. & t., split up, crack up (party, opinions).23. 分利 [fen1li4]1, to share in benefit; [fen1li4]1, (Chin. med.) induce perspiration, bowel motion.24. 分力 [fen1li4]2, n., (phys.) component of force.25. 分離 [fen1li2], v.i. & t. & n., part (from friends, family); (chem.) dissociate, -tion.26. 分袂 [fen1mei4], v.t., part (among friends, “separate sleeves”).27. 分娩 [fen1mian3], v.i., give birth to child.28. 分泌 [fen1mi4], v.t. & n., secrete, -tion (hormone, etc.).29. 分明 [fen1ming2], adj. & adv., clear, clearly.30. 分母 [fen1mu3], n., (math.) denominator of fraction.31. 分派 [fen1pai4], n. & v.i., branch, school (of thought); assign (work, etc.).32. 分配 [fen1pei4], v.t. & n., assign, -ment.33. 分散 [fen1san4], v.i. & n., dispel, disperse, -sal.34. 分身 [fen1shen1], v.i., to divide time or attention to another job.35. 分神 [gen1shen2], v.i., (court. to thank one for) giving attention.36. 分析 [fen1xi1], v.t. & n., analyze, -lysis; 分析心理學 analytical psychology; 歷史的分析 historical analysis.37. 分曉 [fen1xiao3], (1) v.t. & n., understand, -ing: 這事沒分曉 do not know what is at the bottom of this; understand, -ing: 這事沒分曉 do not know what is at the bottom of this; (2) adj., clear.38. 分銷 [fen1xiao1], v.t. & n., sales distribution.39. 分心 [fen1xin1], v.i., divide attention (to another matter).40. 分手 [fen1shou3], v.i., to part company.41. 分書 [fen1shu1], n., (1) divorce certificate; (2) 八 分書 a style of script, see 80.80.42. 分水嶺 [fen1shui2ling3], n., (geog.) watershed;43. 分水線 [fen1shui2xian4], line dividing river valley.44. 分數 [fen1shu4], n., (1) marks at examinations; (2) fraction.45. 分攤 [fen1tan1], v.t., to divide pro rata.46. 分寸 [fen1cun4], n., (1) very small amount; (2) proper restraint: 說話有個分寸 talk with careful choice of words, do not overstep limits.47. 分子 [fen1zi3], n., (1) (math.) numerator of fraction; (2) *[fen4zi3], (phys.) molecule; 分子力 molecular force; 分子量 molecular weight; 分子式 molecular formula; n., (3) (*[fen4zi0]) n., a part, member, element of society, group: 國民一分子 (also. wr. 份子) a member of the nation.48. 分野 [fen1ye3], n., dividing line.分[fēn](ㄈㄣ)1.使整体事物变成几部分或使联在一起的事物离开(跟‘合’相对 as opposed to‘join’or‘combine’)divide; separate; split; divide an entirety into several parts:分裂 split; divide; break up分散 scatter; disperse; diffuse分离 separate; sever一个瓜分两半 divide a melon into half 2.分配 assign; distribute; allot:这个工作分给你。This job is assigned to you. 3.辨别 tell; distinguish; differentiate:分清是非 distinguish between right and wrong不分皂白 make no distinction between black and white (or right and wrong) 4.分支;部分 branch (of organization); part:分会 branch (of society, committee, association, etc.)分局 sub-bureau; out-station; minor office第三分册 Book Three 5.分数 fraction:约分 reduce a fraction通分 reduce fractions to a common denominator 6.表示分数 express fractions and percentages:二分之一 one-half; 50 per cent百分之五 five per cent 7.(某些计量单位的)10分之1 one-10th of (certain units of measurement):分米 decimetre (dm.)分升 decilitre (dl.) 8.计量单位名称 name of unit of measurement (a)长度,10厘等于1分,10分等于1寸 fen, a unit of length (1 fen=1/3 centimetre or 1/10 cun) (b)地积,10厘等于1分,10分等于1亩 fen, a unit of area (1 fen= 1/10 mu) (c)重量,10厘等于1分,10分等于1钱 fen, a unit of weight (1 fen= 1/10 qian) (d)货币,10分等于1角 fen, a fractional unit of currency of China (1/10 of jiao) (e)时间,60秒等于1分,60分等于1小时 (of time) minute (=60 seconds or 1/60 of an hour) (f)弧或角,60秒等于1分,60分等于1度 (of arc or angle) minute (=60 seconds or 1/60 of a degree) (g)经度或纬度,60秒等于1分,60分等于1度 (of longitude or latitude) minute (=60 seconds or 1/60 of a degree) (h)利率,年利一分按十分之一计算,月利一分按百分之一计算 of interest rate (1/10 of annual interest rate or 1/100 monthly interest rate) (i)(分儿 fēnr)评定成绩等 mark; point:考试得了一百分 get full marks in the exam这场球赛双方只差几分。There is only a difference of a few points between the two sides in the ball game. 9.〈方 dial.〉指钞票或十元的人民币 bank note; 10-yuan note:捞分(赚钱)make money赚了十张分 earn 10 10-yuan notes另见 fèn分1[fèn](ㄈㄣˋ)1.成分 component; element:水分 moisture content盐分 salt; salt content养分 nutrient 2.职责、权利等的限度 limit of one's right or obligation:本分 one's duty过分 excessive; too much; go too far恰如其分 appropriate; just right非分之想 excessive ambition or desire 3.情分;情谊 affection; friendly feeling:看在老朋友的分上,原谅他吧。For old friends' sake, please forgive him. 4. 同 same as 份 fèn分2[fèn](ㄈㄣˋ)〈书 fml.〉料想 expect; think; know:自分不能肩此重任 be well aware of one's inability to shoulder such a heavy responsibility; know one's limits另见 fēn相关词组安分 | 辈分 | 本分 | 比分 | 俵分 | 部分 | 才分 | 成分 | 充分 | 处分 | 春分 | 得分 | 多分 | 非分 | 肥分 | 福分 | 工分 | 股分 | 瓜分 | 过分 | 毫分 | 划分 | 灰分 | 积分 | 记分 | 均分 | 考分 | 亮分 | 林分 | 馏分 | 满分 | 名分 | 判分 | 平分 | 评分 | 情分 | 秋分 | 区分 | 身分 | 生分 | 十分 | 时分 | 食分 | 水分 | 天分 | 通分 | 万分 | 学分 | 盐分 | 养分 | 应分 | 逾分 | 缘分 | 约分 | 职分 | 自分 | 组分 | 八分书 | 百分比 | 百分表 | 百分尺 | 百分点 | 百分号 | 百分率 | 百分数 | 百分制 | 春分点 | 复分解 | 坏分子 | 内分泌 | 千分表 | 千分尺 | 千分点 | 千分数 | 秋分点 | 外分泌 | 五分制 | 小分队 | 十二分 | 安分守己 | 百分之百 | 难分难解 | 平分秋色 | 四分五裂 | 条分缕析 | 争分夺秒 | 定量分析 | 定性分析 | 化学分析 | 积极分子 | 泾渭分明 | 劳燕分飞 | 五马分尸 | 有丝分裂 | 知识分子 | 坐地分赃 | 句子成分 | 恰如其分 | 入木三分 | 有口难分 | 精神分裂症分保 | 分贝 | 分辨 | 分辩 | 分别 | 分兵 | 分布 | 分餐 | 分册 | 分成 | 分爨 | 分寸 | 分担 | 分店 | 分队 | 分发 | 分肥 | 分付 | 分割 | 分隔 | 分工 | 分管 | 分毫 | 分号 | 分红 | 分洪 | 分化 | 分机 | 分际 | 分家 | 分解 | 分界 | 分居 | 分句 | 分开 | 分类 | 分离 | 分力 | 分量 | 分裂 | 分流 | 分馏 | 分袂 | 分泌 | 分蜜 | 分娩 | 分秒 | 分明 | 分母 | 分内 | 分蘖 | 分派 | 分配 | 分片 | 分歧 | 分清 | 分群 | 分润 | 分散 | 分设 | 分身 | 分神 | 分式 | 分手 | 分数 | 分说 | 分摊 | 分头 | 分外 | 分文 | 分析 | 分享 | 分晓 | 分心 | 分野 | 分阴 | 分忧 | 分赃 | 分张 | 分账 | 分针 | 分支 | 分子 | 分节歌 | 分界线 | 分镜头 | 分厘卡 | 分列式 | 分色镜 | 分数线 | 分水岭 | 分税制 | 分析语 | 分至点 | 分子量 | 分子筛 | 分子式 | 分崩离析 | 分道扬镳 | 分斤掰两 | 分门别类 | 分秒必争 | 分庭抗礼 | 分文不取分n.seniti分(汤加辅币名;100分= 1 pa'anga)pya分(缅甸辅币单位;100分= 1 kyat)centas分(立陶宛辅币名;100分= 1 litas)centesimo分(辅币单位,为意大利的里拉的1%)sentimo分(菲律宾辅币名;100分= 1 peso)point(用作计量单位的)点,分(表示纸张或纸板厚度时等于1/1000英寸,表示铅字规格时等于1/72英寸,表示钻石重量时等于1/100克拉,表示股票或商品价格起落时等于1元,表示货款贴息率或企业红利率时相当于1/100;也用以表示战时等商品的配给单位)(用作计分单位的)点,分;〈美〉(掷骰赌博时)表示赢的点数(7点和11点除外);学分minute分(时间单位;60分= 1小时)【数】分(角的度量单位,常用符号'表示;60分= 1 degree)score(以100为最高分表明质量的)分division分;分开;分切;分隔cent分(辅币单位,为dollar、euro 及其他多种货币的 1%)Penny分(美国、 加拿大、 澳大利亚和新西兰的辅币名;作澳大利亚和新西兰分时简写p; 100分= 1 dollar);〈美口〉1分面额的铜币hoop〈美〉【篮】篮圈;篮;(投中所得的)分tally账;计数;记录;【体】比分;得分,分SEN分(文莱辅币名;100分= 1 dollar)fen分(中国辅币名;100分= 1 yuan)sent分(爱沙尼亚辅币;100分= 1 kroon)xu分(越南辅币名;100分= 1 dong)centavo分(辅币单位,为菲律宾和某些南美洲国家的比索的1%)centime分(辅币单位,为法国、比利时、瑞士、卢森堡等国的法郎、海地的古德或阿尔及利亚的第纳尔的1%)sau分(越南辅币名;100分= 1 dong)avo分(澳门辅币名;100分= 1 pataca)senti分(坦桑尼亚辅币名;100分= 1 shilingi 或 shilling)sente分(莱索托辅币;100 分= 1 loti)sene分(西萨摩亚辅币名;100分= 1 tala)centimo分(辅币单位,为西班牙的比塞塔、委内瑞拉的博利瓦、哥斯达黎加的科郎、赤道几内亚的埃奎勒或巴拉圭的瓜拉尼的1%)rappen拉庞,分(瑞士辅币名;100拉庞= 1 Swiss franc)vi.divvy分;分摊;分享 (up)vt.divide分;分开;分割,分切dose(分剂)给(药等);(按剂量)开(药);(按剂量)分(药)distribute分,分开parcel分;分配;瓜分 (out)devise〈废〉分;分开;分配whack〈口〉分享,分;把…分成份儿canton把…划分作小行政区;分,划分 (out)divvy分;分摊;分享(up)phr.minute of arc【数】分 角的度量单位;分arc minute【数】分(角的度量单位)分1. a component of something2. one's duty\\fen\\ㄈㄣ\\1·to divide into parts; to separate into parts2. to allot; to distribute3. to distinguish4. one-tenth (of something)5. a unit of length equal to one-third centimeter6. a unit of area measurement equal to one-third square meters7. the smallest Chinese money unit8. a minute分min(MIN, minute)分minute双向☞相对--分--背离〔词头〕双向☞微小的--精密的--分双向☞分度--分--分配双向☞除法--除--部门双向☞辅助--副--子双向☞十分之一--分分[fēn]动1. divide; separate; part♦ 一年~四季。 The year is divided into four seasons.♦ 一条河把那个县城~成两部分。 A river divides the county town into two parts.♦ ~阶段实行 carry out stage by stage2. distribute; assign; allot♦ 音乐会的票都已经~完了。 The tickets for the concert have all been distributed.♦ 把这个任务~给我们吧。 Assign (or Give) this task to us, please.3. distinguish; differentiate♦ 是非不~ make no distinction between right and wrong名1. branch (of an organization)♦ 新华社上海~社 the Shanghai Branch of the Xinhua News Agency2. fraction♦ 分母 量1. (used in spoken forms of fractions and percentages)♦ 三~之一 one-third♦ 十~之七 seven-tenths♦ 百~之四 four per cent2. one tenth (of certain units of the metric system)♦ 分克 ♦ 分米 ♦ 分升 3. fen, equal to one hundredth of a yuan 元♦ 六元三角五~ 6.35 yuan4. minute, equal to one sixtieth of an hour5. minute, equal to one sixtieth of a degree of angle or arc♦ 成36度30~角 form an angle of 36 degrees 30 minutes (36°30′)♦ 东经129度15~ 129 degrees 15 minutes (129°15′) east longitude6. point; mark♦ 60~为及格。 Sixty is the passing mark.7. (for nonphysical things) one-tenth♦ 七~成绩, 三~错误 70 per cent achievements, 30 per cent mistakes另见 fèn分[fèn]名1. component♦ 盐~ salt content2. what is within one's rights or duty♦ 过分 动书 think; expect♦ 自~不能肩此重任 be aware of one's inability to shoulder such a heavy responsibility另见 fēn




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