

单词 刁难
释义 文馨英漢☞刁難刁难 diāonàncreate difficulties刁难diāonànto be hard on sbto deliberately make things difficult刁难to make trouble有意刁难 deliberately make trouble百般刁难 make all kinds of trouble刁难 diāo nàn (故意使人为难) create difficulties; make things difficult; purposely make difficulties for sb.; deliberately put obstacles in sb.'s way:  百般刁难 create obstructions of every description; raise all manner of difficulties; put up innumerable obstacles;  故意刁难 deliberately make things difficult for others 刁难[diāo nàn] 故意使人为难 make things difficult for sb.; deliberately cause trouble for sb.:百般刁难 create all kinds of difficulties; make it hard for sb.; put up innumerable obstacles刁难phr.make a difficulty提出异议;制造障碍;刁难,梗阻刁难1. to be picky with; to make things difficult for; to raise difficulties; to spite; to heckle刁难create difficulties; make things difficult♦ 故意~ deliberately make things difficult for others




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